His full name is Abdullah bin Katheer bin Al-Mutallib Al-Qurayshi and his nickname was Abu Ma’bud. He was the Imam of the people of Mekkah for reciting the Qur’an. He was born in the year 45 Al-Hijara, and knew some of the Sahaaba such as Abu Ayub Al-Ansaari and Anas bin Maalak and others, so he is of the Taabi’een. He read the complete Qur’an to Abdullah Ain As-Saa’ib and was approved by him and others. He was known to be eloquent and fluent in the Arabic language and its usage. Ibn Katheer was known to be have a tranquil disposition and qahhaar. He died in the year 120 Al-Hijara, Rahimahu Allah.
The recitation of Ibn Katheer has two raawees, and
, and both of them took the reading from an in between link, not directly from Imam Ibn Katheer himself, but from a mastered reciter who took the reading from Ibn Katheer.
Ahmed bin Abdullah ibn Al-Qaasim bin Naafi’ bin Abee Bazzah, was a teacher of research and verification and the reciter of Makkah and the mua’dhin of the Haram of Mekkah. The reciters of Mekkah at his time learned from him. He was born in the year 170 Al-Hijarah and died 250 Al-Hijarah.
Muhammed bin Abdurrahmaan bin Khalid Al-Makkee, nicknamed Qunbul. The shuyookh of recitation in the Hijaaz area took the Qur’an through him. He was born in the year 195 Al-Hijarah and died 291 Al-Hijarah.
Because there are very few differences between the riwaayah of and
, we will give the rules as one. If there is a difference at any time between them in the basic rules, we will indicate so.