Question (16 Ramadhaan1427/Oct. 8 2006) Salam alaikum Question (16 Ramadhaan1427/Oct. 8 2006) as salmu 'alaikum. Question (3 Ramadhaan1427/Sept. 25 2006) As-salaamu`alaikum wa rahmatuAllaahi wa barakaatuh, Allaah reward you abundantly -
maashaa'Allaah your site is so helpful for us who don't speak Arabic. I
searched the site regarding my query but was unable to find the answer...Inshaa'Allaah
ta'Ala can you tell me what does the "wow" with the small circle above it in
the word " Question (29 Sha'baan1427/Sept. 22 2006) Asslam-o-Alaikum I have very bad pronunciation and due to fear of reciting wrong I have stopped reciting anything from Quran even saying Allah. I feel I don’t pronounce it correct and by pronouncing wrong I am calling someone other than Allah and so commiting shirk. I am very much depressed by that. 1. What does it mean by not breaking the breath while reciting, does it mean not to take the breath IN or not blow the breath OUT or both? 2. Can I breath in between the words or I should say in between a single word. If you think you will know and feel that some amount of breath goes in or out in between a single word just like in usual talking too. 3. And due to some other reasons like due to spit or natural fluid in the mouth, a different sound appears when reciting in between a word, like Ka or Ta sound. I feel instead of saying Allah I am saying Ahlhah (Haa sound in between Alif and Laam), another example is like Allakha instead of Allah. 4. Can we say Alla (no Haa sound at the end) like usually people pronounce like that in normal way of talking. Please reply to me at your earliest convenience, I will be very very much thankful to you. I am in great difficulty and depressed due to these problems. May Allah give you the reward of it. Thanks and Assamalm-o-Alaikum. Question (29 Sha'baan1427/Sept. 22 2006) Assalam Aleykoum. Question (17 Sha'baan1427/Sept. 10 2006) As-salaam Alaikum wa rahmatuallaahi wa barakaatuh This question might seem a bit strange, but I am curious to know why Allaah's Name ~ Ar-Rahmaan ~ is pronounced with elongation and in Qur'aan it is written with elongation, but when we type it in standard Arabic fonts- (or write it out for that matter), we don't add the alif after the meem with fat-hah? Allaah yazeedekum khair! Question (16 Sha'baan1427/Sept. 9 2006) Assalamu 'Alaykum, I like your website a lot because it helps me to learn. My question is about the letter (vowel) alif. I have read in many places that alif is used as a long vowel as well as a weak consonant. The most common examples of how it is used as a long vowel is when it's preceded by a fathah. But I can't seem to find an example where it is used as a weak consonant. Can you please provide me with an example? Question (2 Sha'baan1427/Aug. 26 2006) Assalaamalaiikum wa rehmatullahi wa barakatahu, I have one question, how should the quranic letters be pronounced??? I am an Indian lady living in Abu Dhabi in United Arab Emirates since past 13 years. When I was a kid we learnt to read Qur’an and after I came to emirates I found out that we pronounce some of the Arabic letters very differently from the way the Arabs pronounce. Those
letters are O.K Let me number those three letters and explain. As ALIF is first letter so BA stands for second and TA for third and so on. So the letters which I am confused in pronunciation are letters number 4, 9, and 17. In India
we prounce the 4th letter the 9th
letter BUT I heard the Arabs pronouncing it in a different way, I even joined the institution where I am learning to speak read and write the Arabic language, also I listen to the Arabic Qur’an cassette which has the Qur'anic recitation of Ash-Sheikh Sudais of Mecca Mukarramah Mosque. Even on the Internet, I saw many sites who teach Arabic, and they all pronounce the 4th letter as “th” example is thumma, thalatha, hadith but we say summa, salaasa, hadees. And the
9th letter as “th” Should we pronounce it the way I learnt or the way the Arabs do or both ways is correct. When I sit to read Qur’an or when my kids read with their teacher they are confused as in school they learn Arabic language from Arabic speaking teacher and at home they read Qur’an from an ASIAN teacher both pronounce differently as explained above so how should we pronounce as we are confused? Jazakallah Question (26 Rajab 1427/Aug. 20 2006) Bismil-Laahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. ’Assalaamu ‘alaikum wa rahmatul-laahi wa barakaatuh, I. It is mentioned on this site in the chapter “Tafkheem and Tarqeeq Part 2” in the section “Letters that are Lightened Sometimes and are Made Heavy Other Times” that the ’alif follows the letter preceding it as to tafkheem or tarqeeq. Does a fat-hah (without ’alif) also follow the letter beneath it as to tafkheem or tarqeeq? II. In 41 : 44 the second hamzah of ’a’a‘jamiyyun is to be read with tas-heel. I know the definition of tas-heel: easy articulation, midway between ’alif and hamzah, but I do not understand it. Is there anything between ’alif, a vowel, and hamzah, a consonant? Perhaps what is meant, is that the hamzah is lightened. Maybe a transcription or even a phonetical explanation would be helpful, as recordings go very fast. III. When is the publication of Part 3 of “Tajweed Rules of the Qur’an” planned? Jazaakal-laah. Salaamun ‘alaikum wa rahmatul-laahi wa barakaatuh. Question (21 Rajab 1427/Aug. 15 2006) Salaam to all. Shukran for the help, it helps tremendously. Please explain to us how Naafi’ reads AAL AANA in surah Yunus Shukran. Was-salaam Question (16 Rajab 1427/Aug. 10 2006) As-salaamu`Alaikum wa RahmatuAllaahi wa barakaatuh. Inshaa'Allaah, I have
two questions. The first concerns the tarqeeq letters that come before a
Tafkheem letter that has sukoon or sheddah: as in 68:20, My second question
concerns ghunneh....My understanding is that only Meem and Noon have ghunneh,
is this correct? My teacher told me that I make the ends of some Aayaat
with ghunneh, for example in the end of the first Aayaah of surah an-Naba`:
Question (10 Rajab 1427/Aug. 5 2006) Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatu lilahi wa barakatuh Alhamdu lilahi I follow my schedule to review at least twice a week all the juz that I have memorized. My question is: Should I open the mushaf to review or should I close the mushaf and read from memory so that if I forget, I open the mushaf and correct myself? In other words, which method is more efficient: reading from memory or reading from the mushaf? Wa salamu aleikum wa rahmatu lilahi wa barakatuh
Question (25 Jamad Ath-Thani 1427/July 21 2006) Assalamualaikum, I am a bit confused, as I know ghunnah is in the nose but my teacher said ghunnah for ikhfa is in the mouth and also she said my ghunnah is thick for the letters other than tafkheem letters. Please explain to me briefly. Jazakallahukhairan.
Question (25 Jamad Ath-Thani 1427/July 21 2006) assalamualeikum, I would like to ask about tanween. What is the difference between two dhamma next to each other and a tanween dhamma? Question (22 Jamad Ath-Thani 1427/July 19 2006) Assalamu ‘alaykum I have 2 questions regarding the lessons on imaalah in the reading of Warsh. 1. Consider the total set of words which may be read with either taqleel or no imaalah at all – let us call these the “Optional Words”. If one decides to read a particular Optional Word with taqleel, does it automatically become necessary to read every other Optional Words with taqleel? Or can one read one Optional Word with taqleel, and then read another Optional Word with no imaalah? 2. All the Warsh mushafs which I have seen are printed such that all Optional Words are shown as having taqleel apart from: a) those words which you have mentioned in part E of Lesson 11 of Rules for Warsh which also have a pronoun Ha. http://www.abouttajweed.com/warsh_rules_11.htm b) the first word in (88:4) and related words, such as the first words of (92:15), (111:3) etc. There may be others, but I have not yet come across any. My
question is: what is the reason for these mushafs showing all Optional Words
as having taqleel apart from the exceptions in a) and b) ? Wassalam Question (18 Jamad Ath-Thani 1427/July 14 2006) Assalaolaikum
wa rahamatullah Question (15 Jamad Ath-Thani 1427/July 12 2006) Salaam alaikum Question (5 Jamad Ath-Thani 1427/July 1 2006) as salaam alaikum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh, I will be taking a tajweed class soon, insha'Allah. And I have a few concerns as a student learning a second language. When learning pre-tajweed - the rules and the makhaarij and all - do the students have to master each individual makhaarij before reciting? The reason I ask is because, as a Native English speaker, I feel as though if I do not master each makhaarij before practicing to read out loud - I will be reinforcing bad pronunciation that will be harder to correct later. Jazaakum Allahu khaira. as salaam alaikum. Question (29 Jamada-l-Oolaa 1427/June 25 2006) Assalamu alaikum, In suratul baqarah v.15 how would
you stop on the word
was salam Question (22 Jamada-l-Oolaa 1427/June 18 2006) Assalamu Alaikum My
question is how to pronounce
Jazakallah khairan. Question (21 Jamada-l-Oolaa 1427/June 17 2006)
Assalamulaykum Two Questions : Please refer to baab hamzatayn min kalimatayn (Warsh). Warsh has two ways of reading the hamza's if they have agreeable vowels: 1) Tas-heel of the first hamzah and tahqeeq of the second hamza QUESTION 01 Why do some say tas-heel of the second and tahqeeq of the first? 2) Ibdal of the second hamza to the corresponding madd letter (making a complete madd). If a sukoon follows then Warsh read madd (tool). If no sukoon follows then Warsh reads madd (qasr). I have read that Warsh can also make ibdal of teh second hamza; example (ie ien kuntum) to (ie yien kuntum) without making a complete madd. QUESTION 02 Is this correct and is this also part of tariq Shatibiyya?
Question (2 Jamada-l-Oolaa 1427/May 29 2006) 1.The recitation of assosiy reads
many verses of the Quran very differently from other riwayah. My question is
more about the mudood in a few places of the Quran where some verses are
read differently. For examples (this is just one example among many as I
know the rules go far deeper than that) in surat Mudjadalah verse 11 "...idha
qila lakum...", the recitation of Assosiy rather reads (when I listen to it)
"...idha qiiLakum.." by lengthening the letter "Ya" with kasra in "qiil" and
but merging the laam in "qiila" with the laam of "Kum in Lakum". I would
like to know: What are the vowel counts usually allowed when these types of
idgham (merging) occur? Does Assosiy allow a 2, 4,or 6 vowel count? Question (20 Rabee' Ath-thaanee 1427/May 18 2006) BarakAllaahu fikum for your informative and enlightening answer to my last question. This question is related in a way and concerns a letter with fat-hah followed by a yaa with shaddah. I was taught that shaddah means the letter is doubled; the first "letter is sakin, the second has it's particular vowel mark (fat-hah, dhammah, kesrah), (well, except when the letter with sheddah is stopped at...) for example in Allaah Ta'ala's Glorious Names "AL-HAYYu-AL-QAYYUM - Al-HAYY is read as HAA with fat-hah, YAA sekoon, YAA with dhammeh and Qayyum is read as QAF with fat-hah, YAA sekoon, YAA with dhammeh. Is this correct? Do we have then the same sound as words that have MED LEEN i.e KHAIR or `ALAYHIM or BAYNA? Is it the same type of sound but technically it should not be referred to as med leen? I ask because I help a sister with Tajweed on Ayaat-ul-Kursi and I ask her to show me different examples of certain Tajweed rules in the Ayaat and I explained this to her as MED LEEN. God forgive me if I am wrong and speaking about this without the sure knowledge. insha'Allaah can you clarify for me so that I can point out my mistake to the sister. Allaah yezeedik khayr. Question (19 Rabee' Ath-thaanee 1427/May 17 2006) Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatu lilahi wa barakatuh May Allah increase your reward for every work you put through your research. I have a few questions regarding Hafs by the way of both Ash Shatibbiyah and At Tayyibah. A) Hafs by way of Ash Shatibbiyah 1. the other way of reading verse 54 of surah Ar Roum, you referred to in your files, is by reading the word Dha'f with Dhamma. Is this the (same) dhamma found also in the riwayah of Warsh of that same verse and surah? In other words, reading the verse with a Dhamma just like in Warsh. B) Hafs by the way of AtTayibah 1. Hafs by the way of AtTayyibah usually reads Al Medd Al Ja'iz al munfaSil with a 2 vowel count. Does the way of At Tayyibah (Hafs) also allow in some places of the Quran a 4/5 vowel count for that same medd? The reason is that I have listened to at least 2 reciters who would read in Hafs by way of At Tayyibah with a two vowel count then switch to a 4/5 vowel count the medd al ja'iz and go back to a 2 vowel count again. 2. Does Hafs by tariq At Tayyibah allow idgham of ayah 28 of surah Al Qiyamah instead of sakt? Jadhakulahi khrairan. Wa salamu aleikum Question (14 Rabee' Ath-thaanee 1427/May 12 2006) Assalamualikum. Question (13 Rabee' Ath-thaanee 1427/May 11 2006) Assalamu ‘alaykum
Lesson 8 of the Rules for Warsh, part 10, section E says: “Warsh conclusively reads with ith-haar of the noon into the waw when joining aayah one and two of surah Ya Seen.” Is this supposed to say “idghaam”, rather than “ith-haar”?
Wassalam Question (12 Rabee' Ath-thaanee 1427/May 10 2006) As-Salaamu `Alaykum wa rahmatuAllaah. This is an
excellent website -Masha'Allaah. May Allaah Ta'Aala reward you with all
good in this life and the next....Insha'Allaah I would like to know what is
the specific ruling on a letter with dhammah followed by yaa
sakinah. As in Surat-an-Naba verse 20 where there is a SEEN with
dhammah followed by a YAA with sheddah i.e.- Also, are there other such occurrences of this in Al-Qur'aan Kareem... is there such a word that has a letter with kasrah followed by waw saakinah? JazakumAlaahu Khairan for your response. |