Salaam alaikum
I can recite the Qur’an, but i am not sure about some of the tajweed rules:
At the end of each ayaat there is a circle with the ayah number in and a
letter above it.what do these letters mean?
For example I heard miim means you have to stop, and lam-alif means carry
on. Please help. Jazaakallah khair.
ma assalaam
Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
The markings at the end of aayaat have been dropped
from the Medinah Printing Complex copy of the Qur’an because stopping at the
end of each aayah is sunnah. It is not compulsory to stop at the end of
each aayah, but since it is preferred, it is much better to stop at the end
of every aayah no matter what symbol is written. Therefore the
symbol at the
end of an aayah should not be thought of as a preference or a command. The
symbol does mean
you should stop because of the meaning. This in only applied when joining
aayaat together.
Wa iyyaakum.
Wa assalaam alaikum wa rahmatullah