Question Assalamulaykum Two Questions : Please refer to baab hamzatayn min kalimatayn (Warsh). Warsh has two ways of reading the hamza's if they have agreeable vowels: 1) Tas-heel of the first hamzah and tahqeeq of the second hamza QUESTION 01 Why do some say tas-heel of the second and tahqeeq of the first? 2) Ibdal of the second hamza to the corresponding madd letter (making a complete madd). If a sukoon follows then Warsh read madd (tool). If no sukoon follows then Warsh reads madd (qasr). I have read that Warsh can also make ibdal of teh second hamza; example (ie ien kuntum) to (ie yien kuntum) without making a complete madd. QUESTION 02 Is this correct and is this also part of tariq Shatibiyya?
Answer Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,
there are two hamzahs with the same kind of vowels juxtaposed in writing,
one being the last letter of a word and the second being the first letter of
the next following word hamzah, Warsh changes the second hamzah, not the
first. Those who say Warsh has
Warsh has then two ways of reading two hamzahs with the same exact vowels meeting between two words:
Changing the second
hamzah into a medd letter the same as the vowel on the hamzah. As stated in
the question, if a sukoon follows the medd letter, the medd is then read
with Imam Ash-Shatibiyy said the following about the recitation of Warsh when there are two hamzahs between two words and they agree in vowel type:
And the second [hamzah] as a medd [meaning tasheel] for Warsh and Qunbul And it is said a pure medd from it is exchanged
are only certain word combinations in which the reading of Warsh has the
third option of substituting a
The word combinations then when the third
option is possible (
combination of
Yes, these are parts of tareeq Ash-Shatibiyyah for the recitation of Warsh. Wa assalaam alaikum wa rahmatullah.