Question 1.The recitation of assosiy reads
many verses of the Quran very differently from other riwayah. My question is
more about the mudood in a few places of the Quran where some verses are
read differently. For examples (this is just one example among many as I
know the rules go far deeper than that) in surat Mudjadalah verse 11 "...idha
qila lakum...", the recitation of Assosiy rather reads (when I listen to it)
"...idha qiiLakum.." by lengthening the letter "Ya" with kasra in "qiil" and
but merging the laam in "qiila" with the laam of "Kum in Lakum". I would
like to know: What are the vowel counts usually allowed when these types of
idgham (merging) occur? Does Assosiy allow a 2, 4,or 6 vowel count? Answer Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, 1. The qira’ah of Imam
This line of poetry written by a scholar gives us the evidence for this rule:
2. The King Fahd Complex printing
of the Glorious Qur’an and most other printings of the Qur’an divide the
Qur’an into fourths ( We prefer to use the term “printing” instead of “version”. The term “version” may indicate to some the idea that there is a difference in the essence of the Qur’an in the different printings. The differences are in markings and additions such as stop marks, but not in the essence. Jazakum Allahu khairan. Wa assalaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. |