As-salaamu`Alaikum wa
RahmatuAllaahi wa barakaatuh.
Inshaa'Allaah, I have
two questions. The first concerns the tarqeeq letters that come before a
Tafkheem letter that has sukoon or sheddah: as in 68:20,
It is easier to pronounce the Faa with fat-hah and hamzeh with fat-hah in
the first word but more difficult to pronounce the Kaaf with fat-hah in the
second word. Can you explain the ruling concerning this insha'Allaah
ta'Aala Allaah yazeedekum khair.....
My second question
concerns ghunneh....My understanding is that only Meem and Noon
have ghunneh, is this correct? My teacher told me that I make the ends of
some Aayaat with ghunneh, for example in the end of the first Aayaah of
surah an-Naba`:
I hold the
"loon" with ghunneh, and she told me this is wrong. I know I'm saying it
with ghunneh if I pinch my nose and the sound stops, then I can get the
sound to come from my mouth instead of my nose. So my question is about the
at the beginning of Surat-ul-Qalam, and how do we pronounce it properly?
Do we make the ghunneh only on the initial sound of the letter (N) then
drop the sound into our mouth during the "medd" part of the letter (OO) and
go back to the ghunneh for the last sound of the letter (N)? Thank you for
your time - may Allaah protect and preserve you and grant you the
Jannat-ul-Firdaus. Aameen
Wa alaikum assalaam wa
rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
When learning tafkheem
and tarqeeq, the student of the Qur’an often has problems by making tafkheem
of letters next to a letter of tafkheem that should have tarqeeq or by
reading the letter requiring tafkheem with tarqeeq. This especially needs
care if there are many alternative letters with tafkheem and tarqeeq. Some
students would have more difficulty pronouncing the first two letters of the
tarqeeq than the
the second word in the phrase: .
It can vary from student to student. The point is that it takes practice
to get tafkheem and tarqeeq down, especially when letters of tarqeeq come
before or right after a letter of tafkheem. The ruling for the
is tarqeeq in the
second word, but since it has an articulation point near the
, one has to take extra
care not to let it come out sounding like a
, which has tafkheem.
A common problem with
some students of the Qur’an, Arab and non-Arab is that they have a ghunnah
on one or all of the medd letters. This is especially evident when there is
a rule causing the medd letter to be held for four or more counts.
Sometimes it takes a lot of effort to rid oneself of this mistake, but the
way to eliminate it is to focus the sound out the mouth and not up through
the nasal passage. The ghunnah that is an intrinsic part of the letters
is a natural
occurrence with the letters, and not something we need to think about when
pronouncing them. In fact the sound of these two letters does not come out
properly without the natural ghunnah. In the case of an unwanted ghunnah in
the letter
any other letter, we can control it with the help of Allah and then a lot of
practice. Closing your nostrils off is a way to check if the ghunnah is
present or not; if the sound disappears or is imprisoned when closing off
your nostrils, then there is a ghunnah. If the sound is clear and the same
with or without closing your nostrils, then there is no ghunnah present.
Make sure you mouth is not completely closed when making the dhammah for the
there needs to be a small space for the sound to travel through, otherwise
it will find an alternative place to go, and that will most likely be the
nasal passage. In the long medd at the beginning of surah Al-Qalam for the
separate letter
there will be a natural ghunnah in the first
and the second
one but there should be no ghunnah during the long lengthened
. As stated
above, any ghunnah present in the
is from the
sound being focused through the nasal passage, so if you focus the sound out
your mouth for the
, insha’
Allah the ghunnah will disappear.
You are most welcome.
May Allah reward you with similar and more than what you asked for us.
Jazakum Allahu khairan for the beautiful dua’.
Wa assalaam alaikum wa