Question BarakAllaahu fikum for your informative and enlightening answer to my last question. This question is related in a way and concerns a letter with fat-hah followed by a yaa with shaddah. I was taught that shaddah means the letter is doubled; the first "letter is sakin, the second has it's particular vowel mark (fat-hah, dhammah, kesrah), (well, except when the letter with sheddah is stopped at...) for example in Allaah Ta'ala's Glorious Names "AL-HAYYu-AL-QAYYUM - Al-HAYY is read as HAA with fat-hah, YAA sekoon, YAA with dhammeh and Qayyum is read as QAF with fat-hah, YAA sekoon, YAA with dhammeh. Is this correct? Do we have then the same sound as words that have MED LEEN i.e KHAIR or `ALAYHIM or BAYNA? Is it the same type of sound but technically it should not be referred to as med leen? I ask because I help a sister with Tajweed on Ayaat-ul-Kursi and I ask her to show me different examples of certain Tajweed rules in the Ayaat and I explained this to her as MED LEEN. God forgive me if I am wrong and speaking about this without the sure knowledge. insha'Allaah can you clarify for me so that I can point out my mistake to the sister. Allaah yezeedik khayr. Answer Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. The shaddah does indeed
mean doubled, the first saakin the second with the vowel on the shaddah, but
the rules that apply to the letter when influenced by the letter before may
change with a shaddah. In the case of the words What you most likely
meant is that you suggested to the sister that it was a leen letter. A leen
letter is when there is a
What we have in the
words Al-hamdu lillah that you have such a strong desire to present correct knowledge to the sisters you are helping, may Allah increase you in beneficial knowledge. Wa assalaam alaikum. |