Question (29May2001) Why doesn't Surah at-Tawbah begin with the basmalah? Do we recite it anyway when we begin the Surah? Question (29May2001) I have the list of the ikfa' letters, I realize it means hidden; but how do you do that in practice when you read? Question (28May2001) Is
the Question (27May2001) Salaam alakum, I am a new Muslim living in the U.S. I would like to know if wedding rings or bands are Islamic. Can you please clarify this for me?... Question(27May2001) Could you please explain how I can make it clear that a "qalqalah" letter which has a sukoon on it is double that is that is has shaddah on it. If I only make qalqalah it might sound like there is only one letter. Question What exactly does the shaddah stand for? Question (26May2001) As
you suggested for those without a teacher, I am listening to Qur'an tapes.
The alif laam, which I believe means “the” in English, seems to be
read sometimes pronouncing the laam and sometimes not. Is there a reason
for each pronunciation? Question (26May2001) I've
been reading a book about tajweed, the book describes the soft and hard palate
of the mouth. Does that mean soft Arabic letters are read using the soft
and hard letters with the hard palate? Question (25May2001) In my reading of the Quran in
Arabic and my Arabic lessons, I've noticed everything seems to be spelled pretty
much the way it is read. However a few words like
Question (22May2001) In aayah 4 of Surat-al-Muzammil, Allah
subHanahu wa ta'aala says: Does this mean to read the Qur'an with tajweed? Question (22May2001) How can I learn tajweed on the
Internet? Question (21May2001) Is it wrong not to stop at the stop marked jeem or sili above some words in the Qur’an? Question You mentioned in the tidbit lesson that
the letter
Question (17May2001) I don't really know much tajweed as I only studied a year. There seems to be a couple of different ways of pronouncing the word Allah, is that so or is it just the style of some readers? Question ( 17May2001) Is Arabic grammar and tajweed linked? Do you recommend students take an Arabic grammar course? Question (16May2001) What is the length of
Question (16May2001) There are numerous translations of the Qur’an into English-which one would you recommend? Question (15May2001) May Allah reward you greatly for your
answers to our questions and in particular for my question about imaalah.
You mentioned in your answer about the different recitations. Could you
please explain about these; are they all from the Prophet (may peace and
blessings be upon him)? I have heard there are 10 or 7 different ways of reading the Holy Qur’an. Which is the correct number? How soon do you think one can start learning these different ways? Are all these different ways of reading done by different populations now in various areas of the world? How would one go about finding a Qur’an center that would teach all these different ways of reading? Question (13May2001) Tajweed is very difficult, I think. Can you give me some tips? Question ( 13May2001) Could you please explain what exactly is "Imaalah". I have heard that the "fatHah" should be only one sound except when it is on a "heavy" letter; and that someone mispronouncing the "fatHah" has "Imaalah". Is Imaalah ever acceptable in any way of reading? And finally, how would I know if I'm pronouncing the "fatHah" correctly? Question ( 13May2001) I have begun studying the different types of Stops. While most of them seem straightforward I feel a little panicky at not being able to distinguish between the Waqaf at Taam and the Waqaf al Kafee. Is there any difference in practical application of reading? When I finally do sort out which stop is which? |