(idghaam) only when the two letters are in two different words side by side i.e. one at
the end of the first word and the other at the beginning of another?
actually depends on the type of
and which letters are merging. If
the idghaam occurs with the first letter being
then it can only occur when the
saakinah or tanween (which only occurs at the end of a noun)
is the last letter on a word, and the letter it merges into is the first
letter of the next word. The following are examples of idghaam noon saakinah
and tanween:
, and in
When there is a
saakinah followed by one of the letters of idghaam in one
word, the
saakinah is read clearly, or in
other words, the noon is read with
An example of this is in the word,
other cases both the merged and merged into letters (the two letters of the
idghaam) can be within one word, for example the
or they may be in two different words, but next to each other, such as the
An idghaam occurring within a word is much less frequent than the
idghaam between two words.