Why doesn't Surah at-Tawbah begin with
the basmalah? Do we recite it anyway when we begin the Surah?
The Prophet
, always began surah at-Tawbah
without the basmalah (which means without saying bismillahi ar-Rahmaani
ar-Raheem). There are different
theories as to why this is, the majority point to the content of the surah. The surah focuses on the theme of jihaad.
We should not read the basmalah when starting this surah, but are
allowed to use the basamalah, if desired, if we start anywhere in the middle
of the surah, just as we are allowed to use the basmalah if we start in the
middle of any other surah. We
should use the basmalah when starting all surahs other than at-Tawbah.