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Question (28 Rabee' Al-Awwal 1423/June 9, 2002) Salaam aliykum: Question (28 Rabee' Al-Awwal 1423/June 9, 2002) Assalaam alaikum. Insha Allah, could you give us some advice for tajweed students who will be away from their classes for the summer so they can minimize the loss of the skills they have acquired up to that point? May Allah reward you. Question (27 Rabee' Al-Awwal 1423/June 8, 2002) As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuhu. Can you tell me what the different marks for continuation that are wajib or recommended. Also which ones represent a stop etc... May Allaah reward you. Masalaam
Rabee' Al-Awwal 1423/June 7,
Assalamu Alaikum wa
rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu.
Rabee' Al-Awwal 1423/June 6,
Assalamu Alaikum.
Rabee' Al-Awwal 1423/June 2,
2002) Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatu Allah. May Allah bless and help all the students and readers of Qur'an who read seeking His Pleasure and most especially our teachers. It is said in the poem about tajweed called Al-Jazariyyah (by Imam Al-Jazaree) that the articulation points are 17; are there any differences of opinion about this among the scholars? Jazakumu Allahu khair.
(19 Rabee' Al-Awwal 1423/May 30,
2002) Assalaamu alaikum Alhamdulillah that we can direct our queries to your site; may Allah reward you for this service and your effort! I am communicating as a teacher of a beginner's tajweed class and I am hoping someone can help me with a question I have, not so much about tajweed as such, but about the manners in the class. Our classroom time is limited to 90 min. and only twice per week; circumstances are such that our students are at different stages of memorization of Juz' 'amma and of learning of the rules. When one student is reciting the others would like to be practicing what is assigned to them or, if they have already read, what corrections have been given them or to prepare what is for the next lesson...I am wondering if this is "bad manners" in front of Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, for some students not to be listening to the Qur'an as it is being recited out loud by their sister student. Baraka Allah fiikum.
(16 Rabee' Al-Awwal 1423/May 27,
2002) salaam alaykum we rahmetullahi we barakatuhu,
My dear brothers, we are writing you a letter from
Bosnia. We need your help
Rabee' Al-Awwal 1423/May 20, 2002) Assalaamu alaikum. Could you please explain what is meant when it is said that the formation of the science of tajweed is the words of the Glorious Qur'an and some said Honorable Hadiths also? May Allah reward you. Question Assalaam alaikum wa
rahmatu Allah wa barakatuh. Thank you very much for your website. I need Information about (qira' aat ). How many are they? What is the difference between them? And why? WasSalaamu alaykum wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatuh, Question
Rabee' Al-Awwal 1423/May 20, 2002) Asalam-o-Alaikum. I am staying in USA Atlanta-Georgia. Do you have and recorded lectures on CD or audio cassettes for learning of tajweed. Thanking you. Question (7
Rabee' Al-Awwal 1423/May 19, 2002) Assalaam
alaikum wa rahmatu Allah. Could anyone there
possibly help me with a memorization problem in insha Allah? The problem
is: I can not seem to keep straight what comes between
interpretation: We said: "Get you down, all, with enmity between
yourselves.." 2.
And some of them
draw near to others, questioning 3
Then they turned, one against another, in blaming
But when they meet one
another in private…. Do you have any suggestion to help to remember which goes where? I apologize for length of this question! Jazakum Allahu bi kulli khair Question/suggestion
(4 Rabee' Al-Awwal 1423/May
16, 2002) As Salaam Alaikum. A very nice site. But is it possible to add some interactive teaching. e.g. practice exercises where we will read and then can hear the correct tajweed way of reading that ayaat so that we can improve on the what we have read. Was Salam Question
(2 Rabee' Al-Awwal 1423/May 14, 2002) Assalamualaikum
wa rahmat Allahi wa barakatuh, First I thank you for
having this wonderful site, May Allah reward all of us, insha' Allah. I always join my friends
in tajweed class and sometimes was asked by my teacher to help her teaching
others. my question is, we have
few elder sisters who want to learn but it is hard for them because of their
age. What do you recommend? Is it enough to practice reading only w/out
teaching the hukums in detail? Jazakumullah
khair for the efforts. Question
(1 Rabee' Al-Awwal 1423/May
13, 2002) Assalamu
alaikum. I am wondering if could tell me what level of
ghunnah the iqlaab falls into? May Allah reward you. Question
(1 Rabee' Al-Awwal 1423/May
13, 2002) As-salaam alaikom wa
rahmah to you all. |