Assalamu Alaikum.
I asked you the question which you answered on the page:
Jazakumullaahu Khairan. It was very useful. However I have a follow up
question about the pronunciation of the meem saakinah next to baa: called
Ikhfaa Shafawee.
You said that the opinion with evidence is that of
closing the lips when pronouncing it. So I want to ask why is it called 'Ikhfaa
Shafawee' if we pronounce the meem clearly in it, why does it come under
Ikhfaa and not idh-haar for example and why is it called Shafawee. It seems
that not closing the lips and therefore not pronouncing the meem completely
suits this name more! Please clarify for me.
Jazakumullahu Khairun
Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatu Allahi wa
This is a very common question, and may
Allah reward you for asking it and helping clarify any questions that others
may have as well.
Let's first look at the definition of the
ikhfa'. The ikhfa is defined as:
The pronunciation of a non-voweled
letter stripped of any shaddah, characterized somewhere between an
and an
with a ghunnah
remaining on the first letter.
When we pronounce the ikhfa' shafawee (or
iqlaab), there is a
saakinah followed by a
, as in:
. The technique of the ikhfa'
shafawee of the strongest scholarly opinion is that we close the lips with
collision on the letter
, maintain this for
the period of time appropriate for the complete ghunnah, then we separate the
lips not with the release of the letter
, but
instead we separate the lips with the letter
If there was ith-haar of the
saakinah, we
would have a collision of the lips on the
, then
a slight open the lips releasing the
, then
pronounce the next letter. If there was idghaam of the
we would hear nothing of the first letter, and would directly pronounce the
next letter. We can then see that there is an element of ith-haar and an
element of idghaam in the ikhfa' shafawee. We hold the lips together for the
period of time of the ghunnah, then open them with the letter
The change over is not sudden, but if you attempt it, you can see that while
you are maintaining the ghunnah, your lips are already getting ready to say
, in contrast to when the
merges into another
. We now can see that the ikhfa' shafawee
fits exactly into the definition of the ikhfa'. The
is saakinah and without a shaddah, it is
pronounced neither with an ith-haar nor an idghaam but instead somewhere
between the two, and there is a ghunnah observed on the first letter.
If we look at Imaam Al-Jazaree's warning about the ith-haar of the
saakinah when he said:

We see he is warning against making an
ikhfa' of the meem saakinah when followed by a wow or fa'. The meem, fa',
wow, and ba' are all pronounced using one or both lips, this is the reason why
it is easy to mistakenly make an ikhfa' of the meem saakinah when followed by
the wow or fa'. This is a mistake that the students of the Qur'an are warned
against. A student making this mistake (making ikhfa' of the
saakinah when followed by a
doesn't usually leave a space between the lips, but instead, closes the lips
on the meem, and changes the lips over in the middle of the meem to the
articulation point of the wow or fa', then separates the lips with the wow or
fa'. We can use this warning then to see how the correct ikhfa' of the meem
saakinah when followed by the ba' is called an ikhfa'.
The word "shafawee" means oral, but also
refers to the lips. The meem is pronounced from the two lips and the rules
surrounding the meem saakinah tend to have the word "shafawee" attached to
help differentiate them from the noon saakinah rules. Therefore, just as
ith-haar shafawee refers to the ith-haar of the meem saakinah; ikhfa' shafawee
refers to the ikhfa' of the meem saakinah.
And Allah knows best.
Wa iyyakum wa-l-muslimeen.