(30 Dhu-l-Qa'dah 1425/Jan 11, 2005)
May Allah (SWT) Bless you for providing such an excellent service to Muslims
all around the world.
specific question pertains to ayah #4 of Surah al-Fatiha. I have been
listening to various recitations and have noticed a distinct difference
between them with regards to the "Ma" at the start. Some sound
like "Maaaliki" (Muhammad Ayyoob) and others like "Maliki"
('Abdul-Baasit 'Abdus-Samad).
When I read the text it seems to me that the former is more accurate but I
would like to hear your technical
response regarding the differences.
Salaam alaikum
(28 Dhu-l-Qa'dah 1425/Jan 9, 2005)
Al Salamu
Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh
I feel rather embarrassed emailing such a question as I do not know whether it
is a common matter that everybody knows, or whether it is obvious. I am very
interested in the ahkam of reading the Qur'an and would like to learn tajweed.
I however would like to ask, firstly what the type of reading that Abdul Baset
Abdul Sammad reads when he holds his breath for a very long time, and reads
for a very long period. I also wish to ask how such readers are capable of
reading for so long without appearing to take a breath, when I try imitating
it, I cannot do it. Is it the way they read or do they have a very long
Jazakum Allah Kharan
(26 Dhu-l-Qa'dah 1425/Jan 6, 2005)
I am a Muslim
born lady, and of 23 years old. My problem is
that I know how to read the Holy Qur’an but not well enough. meaning
that read it without knowing whether I have read it correctly in
line with the Tajwid Hukum. For your information I have not yet khatam the
Holy Qur’an and this has been my biggest regret and sadness in my life as a
Muslimah. Now I am trying to improve my reading of the Holy Qur’an by
reciting it slowly and bit by bit but I know it is not enough.
My question is
that how can I improve my recitation of the Holy Qur’an and what are the
methods that I can use in order to learn the tajwid by myself?
I sincerely
hope that you can help me to find the solution for my problem because until
now I have yet to find a place to study al-Qur’an for adult at my place.
Thus I plan to study by myself till I find an appropriate place to study the
Holy Qur’an. please help me because I know that if you recite even one word
of the Holy Qur’an incorrectly then the meaning will go astray and Allah
will curse you. So please
help me I want to be a good Muslimah that can recite and understand the
Qur’an correctly. May Allah bless your help.
sister in islam
(24 Dhu-l-Qa'dah 1425/Jan 4, 2005)
I have read several times that the "emphatic letters" or tafkheem
letters affect the surrounding vowels. When listening to my recordings of
Qur'aan recitation, it is obvious that these letters dramatically alter any
vowels that might follow. However it is not apparent to my ear, that the
preceding vowels are as altered or even affected at all. For instance in the
last verse of sooratu-lfaatiHah, the fatHah in the word
sounds unaffected by the following tafkheem letter (ghayn). In this
case the fatHah in the definite article of the divine name Allaah (SWT) should
be pronounced as a normal tarqeeq fatHah. But it rarely sounds that way when I
hear others pronouncing it.
Also, I am not quite sure how to pronounce the tanween in the first verse of
sooratu-lmasad. Any help with these two issues will be greatly
Wa salaam.
(20 Dhu-l-Qa'dah 1425/Jan 1, 2005)
Asalaam o
alaikum warahmatullah!
In Qur’an we
have 6236 aayaat when some web sites show the number 6666. Please let me know
the correct position. regards
(19 Dhu-l-Qa'dah 1425/Dec. 31, 2004)
Aleikum wa rahmatu lilahi wa barakatu
1) I was learning some verses of surat Yusuf and found out that in verses 25
and 26 the word qamîsahu (shirt) changes from having a fatah on the letter
"Sad" (verse 25) to a dhamma (verses 26 and 27). And then in verse
28 it has a fatah again. Would you please explain why the word changes from
fatah to dhamma and to fatah?
2) Also I have a tape when a famous qari recited the verse 23 "... wa qâlat
haytalak" in different ways. I know that in the riwayah of Warsh "haytalak"
becomes "hiitalak" but he recited "haytalak" as: -
"hi' tulak" and "hi'talak" with a sukoon on the hamzah. I
was a little confused because I could not know which riwayah he used for these
two words. So my question is: Are "hi'tulak" and "hi'talak"
part of any way of recitation such as Qaloon or Bazee?
May Allah reward you inshallah and help you find the right answers.
Ma'a salam
(10 Dhu-l-Qa'dah 1425/Dec. 22, 2004)
wa rahmatu-llah,
I am a
student and would like to ask which, do you think, is the best way to learn
Qur'an. I do understand some Arabic which helps and can read, is it best to
read, understand and write? (just that writing can take long) I have
tried listening and reading English and Arabic but is there a better way?
I would also
like to ask, is it necessary to learn in a specific order (juz' 'amah, tabarak;
then from
al-Baqarah onwards) as I did learn odd pieces here and there.
And, once you
learn something, is it not permissible to move on until acting by what you
have learnt?
(2 Dhu-l-Qa'dah 1425/Dec. 15, 2004)
Hi there,
I am from
United Stated studying about Islamic Culture and I really would need your help
to define what exactly BASMALAH is. Thank you.
(28 Shawwaal 1425/Dec. 10, 2004)
Eid Mubarak to you all and May Allah grant us Al Jannah inshallah
26 verse 80 :
the letter
"dhad" is follow by the letter "ta". I sometimes find it
hard to pronounce the whole word. Would you please tell me the proper way to
pronounce both the "dad" and the "ta" in these
Ma'a salam
(24 Shawwaal 1425/Dec. 6, 2004)
Alaikum to you!
1. Is there any
part of the Holy Qur’an that states that Allah (SWT) comes down/
descends to hear/answer our prayers at night (e.g during the 3rd part of
the night)?. For example if i wake up at night to (perform to raka'ats) -pray
for forgiveness or a need from Allah (SWT).
2. Also during
the recitation of the holy Qur’an do I need to begin with
Bismillah at the beginning of each surah after I’ve recited A ootho Billahi
Minashaytani rajim...Bismillahi-Rahmanir-Rahim?
May Allah the
Al-Mighty forgive us and guides us all onto the straight path.
Ma as-salaam
(19 Shawwaal 1425/Dec. 1, 2004)
We just finished our 5th Annual Quran Competition in our school and
alhamdulillah, it went okay. For a school in the
, I think we did great, masha Allah.
Can I share with you some titbits in tajweed class? One day in a 5th grade
class (10 year olds) I was explaining the rules of noon as saakinah and
suddenly we came to a word that has meem as saakinah and I asked them, in the
Othmani script, if you see a meem that has a sokoon, what ruling is that? One
student masha Allah answered "izhaar shafawi". I smiled and told
them that many people forgot about the rules of meem as saakinah and I
impressed upon them that there is another izhar that many people do not talk
about. I quickly said, "there are izhaar halqi, izhaar shafawi and izhar
mutlaaq." As usual, to check
whether they were paying attention, I quickly asked, "What did I just
tell you?" A girl raised her hand and I called upon her and she
confidently said, "You told us that there are three kinds of izhaar; they
are izhar shafawi, izhar mutlaaq and.....izhar....yes, izhar habibi."
The whole class burst into laughter. I smiled and said, "It's not
izhaar habibi, izhaar halqi"
Now for the real questions:
Can you teach me how to read in wasl all the chapters that begin with huroof
al muqattaat? For example, in soorah Luqmaan: "Alif, Laaaam, Meeeem.
Tilka aayatul kitaabbil hakeem." What if we don't want to stop at Meeeem
and wish to continue reading with "tilka"? Since the letter meem has
a tanween in it, and the next letter is, "taa", must we apply ikhfa?
I want to know how to read all of the chapters without stopping at the
last letter of the huroof al muqattaat. Thanks.
(14 Shawwaal 1425/Nov 26, 2004)
I am an Arabic and Quran teacher at an Islamic School in
We started going over the rules of tajweed in Ramadan as part of a Qur'an
centric curriculum during that blessed month. Alhamdu Lillah I believe I
benefited greatly as well as the students from your site. I was using
two major sources one was a book in Arabic called "Al-Mukhtasarul-mufeed
fee ahkaamit-tajweed" by Muhammad Hasan Al-Himsi and your site however I
noticed a couple differences between your site and the book I was using.
1) On the issue of Medd-ul-badal he classified it as Aslee and you classified
it as Far'ee why is this?
2) On the issue of Aqwaa as-sababain I was a little confused do we choose the
stronger of the two only when the rule conflicts for example in the ayah
"innaa bura aa uw minkum" in example two you stated that you could
read the Madd Aarid six harakat if this was your practice. But why would
Madd Wajib Muttasil not take precedence over
it since it is considered stronger? I hope that made sense...
I have some more questions but I don't want to over burden you, may Allah
reward you for your efforts....Ameen
(13 Shawwaal 1425/Nov 25, 2004)
1) I have noticed that the "yaa" and the "alif" are used
to lengthen and determine long vowels such as in
81 verse 20:"dhii quwwa tin..." (using the yaa after the letter
dhal) or
110 verse 1:"idha djâ..." (using the alif for the mudood).
However, I have noticed that in the name "Musa" (Moses) in the Quran,
for instance in
87 last verse, both the "yaa" and a small "alif" are
written to lengthen the name. My question is: Why the name "Musa"
cannot be replaced by just an Alif such as the alif in "Samâ"
79 verse 27) instead of a "Yaa"?
2) In
41 verse 44 in the second line there is an Alif followed but another alif.
However the second alif carries a black dot (or black point). What is the
significance of this? I know that this sort of mark on the alif can be found
in the Qur'an written in Warsh (I have seen it) but I did not notice until
today that Hafs had it too.
Would you please explain whether or not one should read this type of alif or
May Allah bless you all inshallah
(5 Shawwaal 1425/Nov 17, 2004)
Some of the
turuq of Hafs an Aasim allow for a saktah on the saakin before the hamzah.
What would be the correct way of stopping on the word juz' for those
turuq that allow a saktah here?
Are there
separate rules for stopping on a word that contains a saakin before
the hamzah (such as above or stopping on fil aakhirah) with saktah?
was salam