Question As-salamu Alaikum to you! 1. Is there any part of the Holy Qur’an that states that Allah (SWT) comes down/ descends to hear/answer our prayers at night (e.g during the 3rd part of the night)?. For example if i wake up at night to (perform to raka'ats) -pray for forgiveness or a need from Allah (SWT). 2. Also during the recitation of the holy Qur’an do I need to begin with Bismillah at the beginning of each surah after I’ve recited A ootho Billahi Minashaytani rajim...Bismillahi-Rahmanir-Rahim? May Allah the
Al-Mighty forgive us and guides us all onto the straight path. Answer Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh. 1.
This is not from the Qur’an but from an authentic hadeeth qudsi.
A translation of the hadeeth is: On the authority of Abu Hurayrah
(may Allah be pleased with him), said that the Messenger of Allah ( 2.
When we are starting at the beginning of a surah, it is required to say
the basmalah (
Ameen to your
dua’. Wa assalaam
alaikum wa rahmatu Allah |