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Question (30 Sha'baan 1423/Nov.4, 2002) Where can I find Qur'an recited by Adil Kalbani?? Question (26 Sha'baan 1423/Nov.1, 2002) Assalamu alaykum My question concerns the lessons on stopping on the end of words and in particular 'ha of pronoun'. Is the third math-hab 'taf-sa-dil' or 'tafseel'? I'm sorry the Arabic is not very clear. Jazakallahu khayran wa salaam Question (26 Sha'baan 1423/Nov.1, 2002)
Asalam Alyikum: Question (26 Sha'baan 1423/Nov.1, 2002) Assalamu alaykum Regarding your lesson on ikhtilaas you have written 'it is not used only for stopping'. This remains unclear to me. Is ikhtilaas an allowable manner of stopping on words in any of the various qiraat? wa salaam Question (25 Sha'baan 1423/Oct. 31, 2002)
As Salam Aliykum: Question (25 Sha'baan 1423/Oct. 31, 2002) Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu 1. Regarding the sakt in surah Yasin we have learnt that we can make waqf here or if we read in wasl we must make a sakt. Is it allowed to read in wasl without sakt in Hafs an Asim min tareeq Tayyibah - like the first ayah of Kahf? 2. Regarding the sakt in surahs al-qiyamah and al-mutaffifeen, can we read wasl without sakt in Hafs an Asim (both shatibiyyah and tayyibah)? Question (25 Sha'baan 1423/Oct. 31, 2002) Assalaamu alaikum.
Could you please tell me in
the definition for I'm sure there must be a reason, and I can't think of what it is! Puzzled again! a student of tajweed. Baraka Allahu fiikum Question (24 Sha'baan 1423/Oct. 30, 2002) Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakaatuh. Alhamdu li Allah for this site and May He reward you with good in this world and the next.
It is clear to me that we
must round the mouth when saying a dhamma (
My question is: in the case
of a word like, for example, " Question (23 Sha'baan 1423/Oct. 29, 2002)
assalamo alaikoem warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Question (19 Sha'baan 1423/Oct. 25, 2002)
As Salamu Alaykum: Question (17 Sha'baan 1423/Oct. 23, 2002) assalamu alaykum Certain suras have different regional appellations. Besides, professional reciters I listen to do not include the suras in their recitation. From the end of one sura, they go to the basmala of the next sura. This sometimes creates misunderstandings, considering that in virtually all copies, the suras' titles are written, even decorated. Could you please help us understand this situation: (a) Are the titles (ex: “al-fatiha,” “al-baqara” and so forth) parts of the Qur’an or not? (b) If they are not part of it, when where they included in Qur’an copies? Specifically, were they included in the Uthmaan copies? (c) Is there any standard for using one rather than the other name: Ex: Sura “Lahab” or Sura “Masad”? (d) To solve these misunderstandings, some people always use the number of the suras. Is this solution dependable; in other words, do all copies use the same numbering? Any other related information will be highly appreciated. May Allah reward you. wassalam Question (16 Sha'baan 1423/Oct. 22, 2002) Assalamu alaykum Jazakallahu khayran for your site. May it continue to benefit the recitors of the book of Allah. I have three questions regarding beginning the recitation from the MIDDLE of a surah (eg verse 8 of Baqarah). We know that we must recite the taawuz, and that the recitation of basmalah is optional. (1) If we decide to recite BOTH the taawuz and basmalah then there are 4 possible ways - qif wa qif, sil wa qif, qif wa sil, and sil wa sil. I have read two different books that say two different things. One book (and the view I learnt a few years ago) says that ALL 4 ways are allowed. The other book I read recently states that only qif wa sil, and sil wa qif are allowed (qif wa sil, and sil wa sil are not allowed). I am confused. Could you provide the correct opinion and if there is a difference of opinion please state so. (2) If we decide to recite ONLY the taawuz are two ways allowed i.e waqf after taawuz, or wasl after taawuz; or is only waqf allowed? (3) What about beginning the recitation from the MIDDLE of surah tawbah? What is the ruling regarding the basmalah here? If there is a difference of opinion please state so. Wa jazakumullahu khayran.
Question (12 Sha'baan 1423/Oct. 18, 2002)
As-salamu-alaikum Question (9 Sha'baan 1423/Oct. 15, 2002) Assalamu alaykum. I was reading surah Maryam and came to the ayah with sajdah. I stopped reciting and made the sajdah. Now to resume my recitation can I go directly to the next ayah or do I follow the rules of restarting after qata' i.e recite the taawuz first (with or without the basmalah) and then start? Jazakallahu khayran Question (4 Sha'baan 1423/Oct. 10, 2002) Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatu Allah.
The correct timing of the
leen letters, (that is the ya saakinah or wow saakinah following a letter with
a fatHa), such as when reading the word