Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa
1. Regarding the sakt in surah Yasin
we have learnt that we can make waqf here or if we read in wasl we must make a
sakt. Is it allowed to read in wasl without sakt in Hafs an Asim min tareeq Tayyibah
- like the first ayah of Kahf?
2. Regarding the sakt in surahs al-qiyamah
and al-mutaffifeen, can we read wasl without sakt in Hafs an Asim (both
shatibiyyah and tayyibah)?
Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatu Allahi
wa barakatuh.
1. Let us just explain, for those
that are unaware, that there are many authentic ways of reciting the Qur'an by
the way of Hafs 'an 'Aasim, all with a chain of transmission to the Prophet,
. The way that is read by the vast
majority of the Muslims in the world is Hafs 'an 'Aasim min tareeq Ash-Shaatibiyyah
There are other authentic ways collected and documented by Imam Al-Jazaree in
his word An-Nashr fi-l qira'aat al-'ashr and in the accompanying poem called At-tayyibah.
The other ways of Hafs 'an 'Aasim and of all the 10 qira'aat including
of the ways of Ash-Shatibiyyah for the seven qira'aat and the way of Ad-Durrah
for the three above the seven plus the different ways for each of those are called "min tareeq at-tayyibah" or from way
of the "Tayyibah" referring to the poem and book of Imam Al-Jazaree. Tareeq
at-Tayyibah for Hafs 'an 'Aasim then is many ways; more than 40. Each way or tareeq
is its own identity and preserved by a well documented, authenticated
transmission (Imam al-Jazaree used the same conditions as Imam Al-Bukhari for
accepting a transmission) back to the Messenger of Allah,
. These ways then are each part of the
revelation and cannot be mixed up with one another.
To answer the question then, there
are some of the ways of Tayyibah that do not have a sakt in surah Yaseen when
continuing reading the aaayah:
That does not mean however, that we can decide to read it without the sakt
while reading the Qur'an by the way of Ash-Shatibiyyah, since the way of Ash-Shatibiyyah
requires a sakt here when reading in continuum from the word
on to
We would have to know all the rules for the particular tayyibah way that we
were going to apply and read that way throughout the portion that we were
reading. If it is a khatmah (reading from al-FaatiHah to An-Nas) then we
would have to be reading the whole khatmah with this way. If it is in our
Salah, then we would have to apply it in the complete passage we would be
reading in our Salah.
2. The sakt in al-qiyyamah between
the words in red:
and in
is required by the way of
Ash-Shatibiyyah. As explained above, there are some of the ways of At-Tayybibah
that read these words without the sakt, but again, we would have to be
applying that complete way with all its accompanying rules in our recitation.