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(24 Ramadhaan 1422/
Dec. 9 This
question may not be related to your site but I thought I would ask as it
is a puzzling one and I am not certain of how to deal with this situation -
perhaps you would know something about it. The
question is: if someone makes a mistake (or some mistakes in recitation
of the Holy Quran) in their namaaz would they need to do any of the extra
prostrations at the end of the prayer. May Allah reward you and please
forgive me if this is not a question for your site. Question (21 Ramadhaan 1422/
Dec. 6, 2001) Could you please help
me, insha Allah, on how to stop and start in reading the following aayah from
surah Al Ahzaab:
(Indeed the men who
surrender unto Allah, and the women who surrender, and the men who believe and
the women who believe, and the men who obey and the women who obey, and the
truthful men and the truthful women, and the men who persevere (in
righteousness) and the women who persevere, and the men who are humble and the
women who are humble, and the men who give alms and the women who give alms,
and the men who fast and the women who fast, and the men who guard their
modesty and the women who guard (their modesty), and the men who remember
Allah much and the women who remember - Allah hath prepared for them
forgiveness and a vast reward). May Allah reward you. Question (17 Ramadhaan 1422/
Dec. 2, 2001) Jazaakum
Allahu for your site; alhamdulillah there is some beneficial and interesting
information. May it benefit many Muslims! Do you think that
"Westerners" can really hope to attain the recitation of the Qur'an
like the Arabs, in tone and especially in pronouncing the letters? Assalaamu
alaikum. Question (16 Ramadhaan 1422/
Dec. 1, 2001) Assalamu
Alaikum, may Allah bless you all. I happened upon your website in search for a
term. My
question is: what is "hijaazi"-style of recitation? Some
friends have said it's a very beautiful and unique tone. Also,
Sheikh Sa'd Ghamdi uses a recitation style that is very soothing and pleasing
to the ear. I've heard him do a part of Surah Anbiyaa, the passage of the
story of Abraham. Do you have any idea what style he uses? If you speak
Urdu, the word that comes closest is "tarannum" in his style of qiraa'ah. Jaza'akum
Allah. Question
(13 Ramadhaan 1422/
Nov. 28, 2001) Assalamu
alaykum wa rahmatullah In
an early input, you explained that there are three speeds in reciting the
Qur'an. But I don't remember the English translation of the terms you used for
the three speeds. Could you please remind me of the English translation and
possibly the interpretation (why each term is given to its corresponding
speed)? I have an idea of the word "tahqiiq" for the slow reading, which seems to derive from haqq, or truth. "Tadwiir "(for the high speed) also might be from circling, rounding, etc. But what about "hadr" (the speed in between)? If an interpretation is difficult to make, you may simply suggest a translation of each term with an English word or phrase.
Question (12 Ramadhaan 1422/
Nov. 27, 2001) We
have learned that we can link two surahs when reading by reading the end of
the surah and then the bismillah and then the beginning of the new surah; I am
wondering about linking surahs in salah - the Imam does not usually read the
bismillah out loud when reading Surat al-Faatihah or when beginning the
second surah I think. Would we then not read the bismallah out loud when
linking two surahs in our prayer? Jazakum Allahu khair. Question (9 Ramadhaan 1422/
Nov. 24, 2001) Salam
alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barraktuhu. I am confused why in the word
(9 Ramadhaan 1422/
Nov. 24, 2001) After reading your question and answer about teaching children, I thought you might also have a word of advice for someone who has trouble understanding the Holy Qur'an and would like to improve - of course learning Arabic is the key - but is there something you could suggest if a teacher is not accessible? May Allah reward you for all your help. Question (7 Ramadhaan 1422/
Nov. 22, 2001) Assalam-u-alaikum, Question
(7 Ramadhaan 1422/
Nov. 22, 2001) Assalamu
alaykum wa rahmatullah Thank you for your
clarification on the spelling of the name of Allah (subhanahu wa ta 'ala). I
take the opportunity to ask further clarification: Why is the laam
lengthened, while there is not lengthening (madd) letter? Did the Prophet
(peace be upon him) explain the case? Question (5 Ramadhaan 1422/
Nov. 20, 2001) My question is about starting a tajweed class for small children. Do you have any advice about how to begin - what would be most important thing to offer them? To memorize or to learn to read first; to introduce the rules of tajweed by practice only or to learn the rules also...Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Wa assalaam alaikum and blessings of Ramadan. Question (3 Ramadhaan 1422/ Nov.18, 2001) Could
you PLEASE help me on this one. I
would like to know how many times the word "ALLAH" has been used in
the Holy Qur'an? And what are the two Sourahs the word "ALLAH" has
been mostly used in? I
hope you can help me. Ramadhan karim. Question
(3 Ramadhaan 1422/ Nov.18, 2001) Could
you please explain for me if there are actually 3 lams in the writing of the
name of Allah, subhanahu wa ta'aala,- one
with a shaddah and one standing alone? May Allah bless you.
(1 Ramadhaan 1422/ Nov.16, 2001) Jazaakumu
Allahu khairan for your supplement about Ramadan, the Month of the Qur'an.
Alhamdulillah, we shared it in our tajweed class this morning. A
few questions came up: 1.
If someone has difficulty still in reading the Qur'an and, for example, reads
some letters with wrong articulation so that it sounds like another letter or
makes mistakes in the timing, should they still try and read as much Qur'an as
they can during the month for reward and worship or would that not be a good
idea for them until they can read better? One suggestion was that they
could read along with a tape. 2.
If someone is trying to read the whole Qur'an during the month but is slow in
reading so that they are struggling to get it "all in" before Eid
so they skip the surahs that they read during their salah from memory or
read on a weekly basis such as surah Al Kahf on Fridays when they reach them
in their reading. Is that still considered reading the "whole"
Qur'an? Ramadan mubaarak to you. |