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Question This
question may not be related to your site but I thought I would ask as it
is a puzzling one and I am not certain of how to deal with this situation -
perhaps you would know something about it. The
question is: if someone makes a mistake (or some mistakes in recitation
of the Holy Quran) in their namaaz would they need to do any of the extra
prostrations at the end of the prayer. May Allah reward you and please
forgive me if this is not a question for your site. Answer The first thing we would like to point out is that namaaz is the Urdu word for Salaah, or prayer, so that all site visitors understand the question. You are correct, this question appears to be a fiqh question, and we only answer questions about tajweed and the Qur’an. There is the possibility you are addressing tajweed mistakes, so we can answer that aspect. If the mistake you are referring to is a tajweed mistake, such as missing a rule (idghaam, medd,) there is no need for a prostration of forgetfulness at the end of salaah. If, on the other hand, you were referring to memorization mistakes, we can turn you to and which are answers from www.islam-qa.com to somewhat related questions. Do not worry about the question; it is a good reminder to all that we should only answer questions that we are qualified to answer. We should always turn to those of understanding in their own respective fields for answers to questions outside our realm of study and expertise. |