(25 Rabee' Thanee 1424/June 25, 2003) Assalaam
alaikum In
regards to ayah 16 of Surah Al-Jinn, I came across a Qur'an with translation
which is written with the nun saakinah
Thank you Sir Question
(22 Rabee' Thanee 1424/June 22, 2003) Assalam
alaikum Mashallah
the tajweed website is very useful for those teaching and learning tajweed. I
would like to know if there is any reference available on saying "sadaq-allah-ul-azeem"
at the end of recitation. Or saying "sadaqa-rasoolihil-kareem" and
reading the darood/salawaat after finishing recitation of any part of alquran. Jazakum
Allahu khairan Question
(21 Rabee' Thanee 1424/June 21, 2003) Assalam
alaikum. Question
(19 Rabee' Thanee 1424/June 19, 2003) Assalamu
Alikum Please
tell me is there any software, with the help of which I can correct my
recitation. Question
(19 Rabee' Thanee 1424/June 19, 2003) I
want to know each word coming point. Question
(17 Rabee' Thanee 1424/June 17, 2003) As-Salaamu
Alaikum. At the each end each
aayat in surah Al-Fatihah for an example: Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem,
how long do u hold the heem (how many counts) at the end of the aayat? Question
(17 Rabee' Thanee 1424/June 17, 2003) Assalamu alikum, Perhaps I
haven't perused your site thoroughly enough, but have you included the rules
for Hafs by which one can start a surah and continue between suwar using
the basmalah? was salam Question
(13 Rabee' Thanee 1424/June
13, 2003) assalamua'alaikum
wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuht, I
would like to know what is the best approach to teach children tajweed? Shall
I follow the same syllabus we used to teach adult but by simplifying the
words? (For eg, the syllabus like the one in the book Tajweed Rules Of The
Quran,). Do
I need to give complete definition as in 'Istilah', not only in language? (for
all rules) What
is the minimum year to introduce tajweed lesson? JazakumuLLahu
khairan katheera Question
(6 Rabee' Thanee 1424/June 6, 2003) Asalaamu
alaikum wrwb Question
(5 Rabee' Thanee 1424/June 5, 2003) assalamoalaikum Could
you please tell me what is temporary kasra? Also in the ra with a shaddah and
a fatha, preceeded by an alphabet with a kasra, are both the ra's
pronounced heavy or is the first ra prounced soft as in bismillah hir rahman?
Does a round ta with a tanween fatha change to a round ha with a sukoon or a
round ha with a fatha and an alif in case of a stop? Jazakallah