alaikum wrwb
I would like some help in
pronouncing the sukkon "raa". I know the makhraj of raa, but
do not know how to make a sukoon on it. I have been told that I ought to
hit the appropriate part of my mouth with my tongue a number of times to
achieve this. If so, how many times do I oscillate it, and in what
direction is the movement: up/down or back/forwards.
At the moment I am unable to make sukoon at all (or for that matter raa voweled).
it sounds almost like a sighing sound like haaaw when trying to say "har".
Would appreciate any suggestions, jazaa kallhu khairan.
alaikum assalaam wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh.
articulation point of the letter
is a challenge for many non-Arabs, depending on
what their native language is. The
movement of the tip (and top of the tip) to the gums of the two front teeth is
an upward movement. The idea of
trilling the
to find the articulation point; if you can trill it, then you have found the
correct place. It doesn’t matter
how many times you trill it when practicing it, the important thing is that
you get the “feel” for the place your tongue should be hitting.
When reciting the Qur’an however, this trilling should be controlled.
have answered a similar question not too long
ago. Please click on the
following link, and insha’ Allah it will help you.
Allah make the pronunciation of the letter
for you and guide your tongue to the correct place.
Wa iyyaakum wa-l-muslimeen.
assalaam alaikum