Question assalamoalaikum Could
you please tell me what is temporary kasra? Also in the ra with a shaddah and
a fatha, preceeded by an alphabet with a kasra, are both the ra's
pronounced heavy or is the first ra prounced soft as in bismillah hir rahman?
Does a round ta with a tanveen fatha change to a round ha with a sukoon or a
round ha with a fatha and an alif in case of a stop? Jazakallah Wa
alaikum assalaam wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh. The
word “temporary” in conjunction with a vowel is referring to a vowel put
on a letter that normally would not have a vowel but instead a sukoon, due to
the conditions present. A better
term may be conditional or incidental kasrah.
If there is a word ending in a sukoon followed by a word which has as
its first pronounced letter a sukoon, the first letter (of the two saakin
letters) then needs to acquire a vowel. The
reason for this is that there is a rule in the Arabic language that there is
“forbiddance of the meeting of two saakin letters”.
An example of a conditional kasrah would be in the word:
iyyakum wa-l-muslimeen. |