(29 Rajab1428/Aug. 12, 2007)
Asalaam u alaykum, may Allah reward you for your
beautiful website, I just would like to know the tajweed rules for the
azaan would it be possible for Question (27 Rajab1428/Aug. 10, 2007)
Salam wa rahmah
9. Hukm Shari'
Question (13 Rajab1428/July 27, 2007)
Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa
Question (27 Jamad Ath-Thaani1428/July 12, 2007)
Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,
Question (23 Jamad Ath-Thaani1428/July 8, 2007)
Assalaamu 'Alaikum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu
Question (12 Jamad Ath-Thaani1428/June 27, 2007) Assalamoalaikum, I am unclear as to articulation point of seen, saad, and zay. I have read that it is from the internal plates of the front two top incisors. But what are the internal plates really? I mean is it the point where the tooth starts coming out of the gum? Because as I know the gum line i.e. the point where the gum meets the teeth is the point for ta, da and the thick ta. So how close is the articulation point for seen to that of taa. Please explain clearly as I am very confused. Whether I pronounce the seen from the edges or from the point I am assuming are the internal plates it sounds the same to me. I have seen the teeth diagram where you have pointed out the plates in reply to a question but I'm still unclear. Thank you. Question (11 Jamad Ath-Thaani1428/June 26, 2007)
Assalaam u Alaykum,
Question (2 Jamad Ath-Thaani1428/June 17, 2007)
Assalaamu 'Alaikum wa Rahmarullaahi wa
Question (27 Jamad Al-Oolaa 1428/June 14, 2007) As'Salaamu Alaikum. I have a few questions pertaining to Arabic.
1. Laam At-Ta’reef – what is it and its significance? 2. Types of Laam At-Ta’reef – Laam Ash-Shamsiyyah and Laam Al-Qamariyyah. Which one of these should be pronounced vs. made silent ?
3. Hamzat Al-Wasl – What is it, when is it pronounced and when is it made silent. When pronounced, what Harakah should be assigned to it, and under what conditions?
4. Two Saakins – What happens what two Saakins come together? What happens when a Madd Letter comes before a Saakinah letter?
5. Al-Alif Al-Maqsoorah – what is it and how to pronounce it?
6. At-Ta’awwudh and Al-Basmalah – how to pronounce them combined and separated? I appreciate whatever assistance you can provide InshaAllah.
Question (27 Jamad Al-Oolaa 1428/June 14, 2007) Assalamoalaikum,
What is the correct sound of
Thank you for your time.
Question (13 Jamad Al-Oolaa 1428/May 30, 2007)
Question (13 Jamad Al-Oolaa 1428/May 30, 2007) Assalamoalaikum, I want to know is it pronounced as 'Siraat al-ladheena' or 'Siraat al -Lazeena' because I have heard it pronounced both ways. Which one is correct? Thank you for your time.
Question (12 Jamad Al-Oolaa 1428/May 29, 2007) Assalamu Aleikum wa rahmatu lilahi wa barakatuh
In chapter 42 (surah Ash Shura) on verses 30 and 34, I have noticed an important grammar as well as tajweed point that I will need to understand, inshallah. In verse 30 it is written: "...wa ya' fuu 'an kathiir". The verb "'afaa" here is written and is read with a 2 vowel count despite the fact that the subject is Allah (who is singular and not plural). Then in verse 34 it is written: "...wa y'afu 'an kathir". The verb "'afaa " is written and pronounced with a one vowel count with the subject being Allah (who is singular).
My question is why in verse 30 "y'afuu" is written with a 2 vowel count when the subject (Allah) is singular? Usually if the subject is plural then the verb should be written and pronounced with a 2 vowel count but verse 30 as a different grammar perspective. What are the reasons for this?
Jazakumullahi khairan Wa salamu aleikum wa rahmatulilahi wa barakat
Question (28 Rabee' Ath-Thanee 1428/May 15, 2007) Assalaamu Alaikum Ustaadh-al-kareem,
I was reading your site, talking about the tajweed rules of Warsh..it was very interesting and fascinating to me..... I just memorized the Quraan a year ago (with Hafs). I found out that, every Qari (e.g. 'Aasim,) has 2 students (Raawis), for example, Hafs and Shu'bah (or for Ibn Katheer, Qunbul and Bazzi). But recently, I also found out that every student (raawi), also has 2 Tareeqs (2 ways)!! So even Hafs that we all read from, has two ways. The reason this triggered me and came to my attention was that when I recite Quraan, I notice that some madds (certain ones), like if the hamza is part of the next word rather than in the word itself . So madds in which the hamza was not part of the word, many Qurraa shorten them while others prolong them. I was told these were two ways (from Hafs). So they were...Shaatibyy (the more common one I believe), and also Tayyiba. So, I wanted to ask you (may Allah reward you), that about these 2 ways from one student , is it permissible for one to recite any of them he wishes? Like, I usually read Tayyiba from Hafs, so, are we allowed to read from either, (without having to get special certificates..).
Like if I have a warsh
mus-haf (from naafi'), then..(even though on the mushaf all the madds and so
on are there, am I allowed to shorten them (because i heard one of the
tareeqs from Warsh was different. Most Qurraa of Warsh prolong so many madds
(like So my question is, can I read in that way (of course provided that I am aware and know all the rules concerning it...), am I allowed to read like that (in Salaat). Also, (i wanted to know), if you could please tell me the names of the 2 ways (tareeqs) from Warsh. May Allah reward you, and give you the best rewards for your work, in this world and the aakhirah! AbdulBasit K., 14
Question (20 Rabee' Ath-Thanee 1428/May 7, 2007) Assalaam alaikum, I have been fortunate by the grace of Allah I know to read the Quran, but I would like to get more information on how to end the words at the end of a sentence. I mean there are vowels that I get confused with. During Ramadan I followed the Quran in the taraweeh when the Imam was praying every day and I still couldn’t get it clearly . Please help and let me know how do I distinguish them and what is the right way. Are there are any websites or tapes that I could utilize to get my recitation better? Best Regards. Question (18 Rabee' Ath-Thanee 1428/May 5, 2007) Assalaam-Alaikum. I have heard two different pronunciations of "Allah" one which is a strong ending sound (like Alloh) while the other is soft (Allae). Can you please tell me which one is correct? Jazakallah
Question (5 Rabee' Ath-Thanee 1428/Apr. 22, 2007)
Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatu lilahi wa barakatuh
I would like your advice on a matter. I have been taught the memorization of the Quran (in my homeland) starting from surat An Nas. Now that I have reached and almost finished memorizing surat Az zumar, I should be moving on to surat Sâd but my teacher (from my part time Hifz program) suggested that I start with surat Al baqarah once Az Zumar is completed. I really would like to continue with the pace I have set for myself since Baqarah is very long and might take a lot of time for me to finish. Therefore, what exactly should I do? In other words which methods are better (from Nas to Baqarah or starting with baqarah right now)?
Jazakumulahu khairan, because your input is really important to all of us in general but me in particular.
Wa salamu aleikum wa rahmatulilahi wa barakatu.
Question (26 Rabee' Al-Awwal 1428/Apr. 14, 2007) Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmatuallah
Alhamdolillah I have read your encouraging advice to those with English as a first language who are seeking to memorise the Quran. I am well past my 20s so perhaps it will be more difficult for me – Inshallah Allah will make it possible. My question is, although I can now read the Quran with a little fluency, I still cannot pronounce many of the letters properly (although a listener could probably tell which letter I am trying to say). So is this in any way a reason why I should not memorise? I feel that if I wait until I have corrected my tajweed, then my whole life could pass before I am able to master the correct pronunciation of the alphabet. On the other hand, is there any virtue in memorising the Quran to the best of your ability, knowing that some will be incorrect? What is your advice please?
Jazakallahu khair wa Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullah.
Question (26 Rabee' Al-Awwal 1428/Apr. 14, 2007) Assalamu alaikum We know that when pronouncing the "dhommah" the lips have a forward movement and when pronouncing a letter with "sukoon" the mouth is in a "neutral" position. How would we pronounce the word "Quloobuhum" where 4 "dhommas" follow each other; does ones mouth return to a "neutral" state before pronouncing the next letter with "dhammah" or does ones mouth stay in a "dhommah" position until all dhommas have been completed. I hope you understand my question. Shukran.
Question (4 Rabee' Al-Awwal 1428/Mar. 23, 2007) salamun 'Alaykun,
Please, what do mean by Hafs?
Question (4 Rabee' Al-Awwal 1428/Mar. 23, 2007) Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah.
Please could you help me find the makhraj of some letters? I have read through your website and also the books but I find that as I haven’t got a teacher to go through it with me I am still only guessing.
My question this time is about Kaaf, Qaaf, Khaa and Ghain. In particular, I would very much like to know the fine practical details of exactly what part of the tongue touches what exact part of the throat/mouth and in what way. What would be a slightly incorrect makhraj for each letter, especially those mistakes common to native English speakers? Also, exactly how in a practical way do the makhaarij of each the letters differ from one another. For example, does Kaaf use the exact same part of the tongue as Qaaf? And do Qaaf and Khaa share the precise same articulation points of both tongue and mouth but used in a different way?
Jazakallahu khair for all your efforts and patience with all our questions.
Question (4 Rabee' Al-Awwal 1428/Mar. 23, 2007) Assalaamu alaikum wa rahamtullaahi wa barakaatuhu
1) When pronouncing
the Jeem is there meant to be absolutely no air with the sound or is a
small/minute amount ok? I have read in some books that it is very important
to separate the Jeem
2) When saying any letter with a Dhamma the sound generally tends to be a little thicker. Is this ok? If not, do you have any tips for making the letters as close as possible to what they should be? (e.g. when saying a daal madhmooma the sound is a bit thicker than when saying a daal maftooha)
Jazaakallaahu khairan kathiran kathiran, Yarhamukallaahu.
Wassalaamu alaikum wa rahamtullaahi wa barakaatuhu