alaikum wa rahmatullah.
could you help me find the makhraj of some letters? I have read through
your website and also the books but I find that as I haven’t got a teacher
to go through it with me I am still only guessing.
question this time is about Kaaf, Qaaf, Khaa and Ghain. In particular, I
would very much like to know the fine practical details of exactly what part
of the tongue touches what exact part of the throat/mouth and in what way.
What would be a slightly incorrect makhraj for each letter, especially those
mistakes common to native English speakers? Also, exactly how in a
practical way do the makhaarij of each the letters differ from one another.
For example, does Kaaf use the exact same part of the tongue as Qaaf? And do
Qaaf and Khaa share the precise same articulation points of both tongue and
mouth but used in a different way?
Jazakallahu khair for all your efforts and patience with all our questions.
Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa
The letters
use the deepest
(furthest away from the mouth) part of the tongue and that which lies
opposite to it of the roof of the mouth. The
however, uses the
hard palate of the roof of the mouth, whereas the
uses the soft palate.
, then are not
articulated from the same exact place, but close to each other. The
is closer to the
mouth, the
closer to
the throat. The part of the tongue used for each is slightly different,
with the
using a
deeper part of the tongue.
The common mistakes for the
for non-Arabs, is
pronouncing it too far back (on the soft palate instead of the hard palate)
giving it a heavy sound, or sometimes hardly any sound.
can be pronounced
totally incorrectly by a novice, non-Arab reader, in that they pronounce it
as a
or without
tafkheem. A mistake found in both Arabs and non-Arabs is pronouncing it
, or air.
This is resolved by placing the articulation point at the deepest part of
the tongue, and using the soft tissue near the uvula (the “u” shaped piece
of flesh that comes down in the back of the mouth.).
The letter
is not pronounced
from the tongue, but is pronounced from the throat, the part of the throat
closest to the mouth. The tongue should not be used in the articulation
point when saying the
The most common mistake with the
for non-Arabs
starting to learn the Qur’an is pronouncing it as an English “g” as
pronounced in the word “go”. The “g” which does not exist in the Arabic
language, comes from the tongue and the roof of the mouth, quite close to
the articulation point of the
, but a little
posterior. The student who has this mistake needs to practice using the
throat, and not the tongue.
Wa iyyaakum, and we add that we ask Allah
to grant the questioners patience with the delays they sometimes find in our
answers .