Asalaam u alaykum, may Allah reward you for your beautiful website, I just
would like to know the tajweed rules for the azaan would it be possible for
Answer Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, Jazakum Allahu khairan for your dua'. All tajweed rules, outside of four things, were present in the Arabic language at the time of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah upon him. The rules of the adhaan and iqaamah then are the same rules as we study for reading the Qur’an. The rules that would be applied for the adhan and
the iqaamah are few. The qalqalah on the word
What should be avoided is excessive lengthening of the sounds over and above the normal lengthening for the medd letters, or vowel counts. Al-Faatihah is relatively easy as far as tajweed
rules. The common major mistake is the articulation point of the letter
Wa iyyaakum wa-l-muslimeen. Wa assalaam alaikum |