Question Assalamu Aleikum wa rahmatu lilahi wa barakatuh
In chapter 42 (surah Ash Shura) on verses 30 and 34, I have noticed an important grammar as well as tajweed point that I will need to understand, inshallah. In verse 30 it is written: "...wa ya' fuu 'an kathiir". The verb "'afaa" here is written and is read with a 2 vowel count despite the fact that the subject is Allah (who is singular and not plural). Then in verse 34 it is written: "...wa y'afu 'an kathir". The verb "'afaa " is written and pronounced with a one vowel count with the subject being Allah (who is singular).
My question is why in verse 30 "y'afuu" is written with a 2 vowel count when the subject (Allah) is singular? Usually if the subject is plural then the verb should be written and pronounced with a 2 vowel count but verse 30 as a different grammar perspective. What are the reasons for this?
Jazakumullahi khairan Wa salamu aleikum wa rahmatulilahi wa barakat
Answer Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. It is good to see you studying the grammar and meaning of the Qur'an, as it is very necessary for the student of the Qur'an to be able to read, understand, and explain the Qur'an, including grammatical occurrences. May Allah increase you in knowledge of the Qur'an and the Arabic language. Ameen.
You are correct in assuming that it
is a grammatical change. The root of the word, as you stated is
In the first of the two aaayat mentioned in the question (Ash-Shura 30):
There is a present tense
singular male form of the verb
For the second aayah in the question (aayah 34), we need to look at the grammar starting at the aayah preceding it: (Ash-Shura 33-34)
The first part of aayah 33,
has a conditional verb,
Insha’ Allah this makes things clearer to you about the two different spellings of the same verb, due to grammar. Wa iyyakum. Wa asslaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. |