Lesson Eleven

11. (Continued from last lesson- number ten) The straight, the imaalah, and the in between (part two)

E. 10 Ends of 10 special (plural of surah).

Warsh reads with alone the last word of the aayaat in the following :

 The exception to this is if there is a pronoun or possessive , in other words before the alif at the end of the aayah, such as in    and .  In this case both and    are allowed. 


F.  Special words and letters

1.  The word: (also written as )

Warsh reads the letter  of the word  and the hamzah and alif that follows it with , wherever the word is found if it precedes a voweled letter. Examples are:

 If however, a saakin follows the alif the letters are read with when continuing, and with when stopping.  Examples:


2. The word

This word is read with  only on the alif in the recitation of Warsh wherever found in the Qur’an.

3. Opening (beginning) letters of different  (plural of surah)

    Warsh reads this letter with   when it is one of separated letters beginning the surah, such as in: , and

    This letter is also read with when it is one of the separated letters beginning the starting with:  .

The and that are in the separated letters at the beginning of surah Maryman  are read with .

he of the separated letters at the beginning of surah is read by Warsh with complete .  This is the only place in the Glorious Qur’an where Warsh reads with complete .  

G. General comments and items to know about this section

The words stopped on either have a tanween or not, and we stop on a word according to the rules that are laid out in this last section, and the tanween does not affect the rule when stopping.  If a word ends with an alif that could be or should be read with , and we are stopping on the word, the rule is employed.  If however, we are not stopping and the first pronounced letter of the next word is saakin, the alif on the end of the first word is dropped in pronunciation and no is used. A tanween on the end of a word also stops us from employing the rules on the last letter when continuing reading, but when stopping on this same word, would be allowed. For example, when reading   without stopping on the word , there is no , but when stopping on the word there is  .  Examples of tanween on the end of a word in which is allowed when stopping, but there is no when continuing is: , another example is:

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