The Basmalah between two surahs
Qaloon has only one way of joining the end of one surah with the next following surah, and that is with the basmalah between the two surahs.
The exception would be joining surah Al-Anfaal with surah At-Tawbah, since there is no basmalah at the beginning of surah At-Tawbah.
Qaloon reads in surah Al-Faatihah aayah 4 with no alif in the word
Lengthening of a dhammah on the plural meem on the end of a word.
Qaloon has two allowed ways of reading the plural when continuing reading and followed by a word starting with a voweled letter.
The first allowed way is with a normal sukoon on the end of the plural . The second allowed way is the lengthening of a temporary dhammah put on the plural
of two vowel counts on the end of a word, if the first pronounced letter of the next word is voweled. If there is a hamzah (
) as the first letter of the next word, the
is lengthened two or four vowel counts, correlating with the medd lengthening the reciter is using for
. The recitation of Qaloon has two different allowed lengthenings for
, two or four vowel counts. For example, as written below in all the plural
in the aayah:
(Al-An'am 87)
It should be noted that the plural in the word
is followed by a hamzah qata’
, so in this case the lengthening of the dhammah put on the plural
equals the length we are reading
, either two or four vowel counts.
If the word ending in the plural is followed by a sukoon, as in:
(Al-i-'Imran 110). There is no lengthening of the dhammah on the . This dhammah is an incidental dhammah due to two saakin letters meeting.
To listen to surah Al-Faatihah being recited in the recitation of Qaloon, using the allowed way of please click on the following link: http://www.islamway.com/?iw_s=Quran&iw_a=view&id=185, then next to the Arabic word Al-Faatihah, click on either MP3 or RM depending on which system for audio downloads you use on your computer.