- The alif is not characterized as having tafkheem or tarqeeq, but instead it is known to follow the letter preceding it as to tafkheem or tarqeeq. If a tafkheem letter precedes it then it also has tafkheem. Examples of this are in:
Click here to listen to the tafkheem of the dhaad and the alif.
If the alif occurs after a letter with tarqeeq, the alif also then has tarqeeq, as in:
It is a common mistake not to give the alif the full level of tafkheem required after a letter of tafkheem.
The lam of the name of The Majesty 
The of the Glorious name of Allah sometimes has tafkheem and sometimes tarqeeq, depending on the pronounced vowel on the letter preceding the
. The alif that follows the
will follow the
in tafkheem or tarqeeq because as stated above, the alif follows the letter preceding it. It is therefore necessary to make sure both the
of the Glorious name of Allah and the accompany alif have both tafkheem and tarqeeq together, according to the rules stated below.
The lam of the Glorious name of Allah has tafkheem in the following states:
If what precedes the name of Allah has a fat-ha, such as in:
Click here to listen to the tafkheem of the laam
If what precedes the name of Allah has a dhammah, such as in:
If what precedes the name of Allah is saakin and what is before that has a fat-h or a dhammah. An example of this is in:
The Lam of the Name of Allah Has Tarqeeq in the Following States:
If it was preceded by an original kasrah or presented kasrah even if it is connected to it (the name of Allah) or separated from it. For example:
Click to listen
(original permanent kasrah),
(presented kasrah).
If it was preceded by a saakin and the letter before that has a kasrah, such as in: