Question (30 Ramadhan1426/Nov.2, 2005) As salaamu alaikum my brothers in Islam. I have a question pertaining to Arabic grammar and the Holy Quran. In Sura An’aam, when Sayyedena Ibraheem said,’Falammaa ra ash shamsa baazighatan qaala HADHA rabbee, HADHA akbar’ I would like to know seeing that the word Shams is Feminine, how is HADHA used as compared to HADHIHEE? I am anxiously waiting for your response. Jakallahu Khair Question (30 Ramadhan1426/Nov.2, 2005) Assalamu-aleikum! I have heard that the Quraan can be read in 7 manners. Is that true? Question (18 Ramadhan1426/Oct. 21, 2005) assalaam alaykum wa rahmatu Allah I've been teaching tajweed for Arabs, but now some English speaking sisters are interested in learning tajweed. They read Quraan in English letters. Is there away for me to help them learn tajweed despite the fact they don't know Arabic?. I really appreciate your advice. Thank you Question (18 Ramadhan1426/Oct. 21, 2005) I know a lot of hizb (parts) of the coran and I would like to know how to review it in order to have good a memorization. Thank you very much Question (8 Ramadhan1426/Oct. 11, 2005) Assalamu'alaykum, I'm totally confused. I learnt that all mudood must be read consistently. For example if we start our qiraah with mad 'aaridh lissokoon 4 harakaat, then we have to try our best to keep reading all madd 'aaridh in our qiraah 4 harakaat. But I hear some a'immah because they're at the end of their qiraah they make their mad aaridh longer than their initial reading. Is this permissible or negligible? Thanks. Question (1 Ramadhan1426/Oct. 4, 2005) Assalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatoh First of all, jazaakumullaahu khairal jazaa' for your informative site maa shaa' Allah.I have a few questions, baarakallaahu feekum:
a) The Prophet
b) About the rules of al-isti'aathah, does one have to say it before reciting some aayaat within a lecture/lesson or a khutbah? If one has to, is it recited out loud or silently, and does one need to repeat it when new aayaat are encountered? Jazaakumullaahu khairan again. Question (18 Sha'baan 1426/Sept 23, 2005) Assalaamu 'alaikum Question (18 Sha'baan 1426/Sept 23, 2005)
Assalaamu 'alaykum, My question is about the letters waaw and yaa'. Are the long vowel versions of these letters actually the same sound as the consonant version the only difference being that they are held out longer than they would be in the case of a shaddah? In other words would the "ee" sound in tajweed be the same as the "iyy" sound in nabiyy disregarding the accent (nabr). If this is the case then the voweled yaa' that serves as a consonant would have the same lowering motion of the jaw as its long vowel and short vowel counterpart, right? Also how is the waaw or yaa' distinguished from its vowel when the vowel is its lengthened counterpart, for instance Dawood and any time the combination wu or yi occurs.
Thank you very much. Question (12 Sha'baan 1426/Sept 16, 2005) Assalamau alikum In the word 'muqtasid' at the end of surah luqman, why is the letter ta pronounced with tarqeeq and not tafkheem as we are told? I though ta was a letter of tafkheem, and not isti3laa2? I have heard this on all recordings, I would be grateful if you could explain this for me. Wassalamalikum Question (12 Sha'baan 1426/Sept 16, 2005) assalamou alaikoum wa rahmatullahi
wa barakatuhu, Question (6 Sha'baan 1426/Sept 10, 2005) Assalamu Aleikum wa rahmatu lilahi Question (4 Sha'baan 1426/Sept 08, 2005)
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