assalamou alaikoum wa rahmatullahi
wa barakatuhu,
May Allah reward u and shower u with His blessings for this wonderful
website that u have put so much effort in..
My question is about "nabr". When we recite "alif laam meem", since we are
stretching the alif in "laam" for 6 counts and right after it there are 2
meem's (the meem of the "laam" and the meem of the "meem") which make a meem
with a shaddah, do we have to make nabr when we're stretching the alif
(according to the third circumstance of the nabr in recitation)?
jazakoumoullahu khairan for your time
Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullahi
wa barakatuh.
Jazakum Allahu khairan and may
Allah give all khair to those studying the Qur’an and make them all closer
to Allah.
One of the exceptions to
in both the
circumstance of stopping with a word ending in a shaddah and when having a
medd letter followed by a shaddah is the
with a shaddah on
them. The reason there is no need for
in these cases is
that the most complete ghunnah that accompanies a
with a shaddah makes
clear the shaddah and is easy on the mouth after a long medd. One does have
to take care to make sure there is collision of the two articulating parts
though for both letters.
Wa iyyaakum wa-l-muslimeen.
Wa assalaam