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I understand the conditions of MEDD SILA TUL SUGRA the lesser connecting medd.
I am studying sura HADID and I notice the first word in ayat 5 LA HU requires
the lesser connection medd but on that page HA after the name of ALLAH did not
me the condition of the two second stretch even thou it meets the condition of
the lesser connecting medd. why is this?
thank you
alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
Allahu khairan and may Allah reward all who are studying tajweed and ask
questions that benefit others.
lesser connecting medd-
a two count lengthening that comes from the vowel on a
or possessive pronoun
when the following conditions are met: The
the end of a word (last letter)
that is not part of the original make up of the word, representing the singular
third person male. It is voweled either with a
or a
positioned between two voweled letters, the reader is not stopping on it, and it
is not followed by a hamzah.
In the case of
the Glorious name
surah Al-Hadeed aayah 5:
, there are
two conditions not met. The Glorious name of Allah originates from the word
, which means deity. When
it changes to mean the One and Only deity that we worship, “The God”, it changes
so it cannot be broken down to a single form nor can it be pluralized, thus
. The
on the Glorious name of
is not a pronoun or a
possessive pronoun, instead it is part of the original make up of the word.
There is a
pronounced alif over the laam with the shaddah. It was not written in the
‘Uthmani copy as it is known and not needed by the Arabs, since they know of its
existence. Some copies of the Qur’an put in a small little alif above the laam,
and that is better for the general masses of Muslims now days, since the
strength of Arabic is not as it once was. As we know, all alifaat are saakinah,
so the conditions of the
in between two voweled letters is also not me.
In conclusion,
there is no medd on the
the Glorious name of Allah, since the conditions for
. When stopping on the name of
there is an alif
following by a sukoon, so the requisites for
present, and we lengthen the alif when stopping on the Glorious name of Allah,
2, 4, or 6 vowel counts.
You are very
Wa assalaam
alaikum wa rahmatullah.