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Question (27 Rajab 1423/Oct. 4, 2002)
As Salaam Alyikum: Question (24 Rajab 1423/Oct. 1, 2002) Assalam Alaikum My name is XXX, I would like to know how I could learn tajweed (qira'aat rather than Hafs ) by Internet or any other way. & the second thing, I like to teach tajweed (in Hafs qira'aah) in XXXX after June next year insha' Allah. Would you please help me connecting with people there? Jazaqom Allaho khair. Question (21 Rajab 1423/Sep. 28, 2002) Assalam Alaikum I have converted to Islam. I need types of learning material for the Qur'an. In English and then into Arabic. I need to start out like a child. This way I can learn the proper way. It is like a baby. They listen first ...then they say it...Then learn & then learn the meaning of the words. This is how I need to learn. I have no one to help me. I live in a place where there are no Muslims. Insha' Allah, I will learn, but I need some help. I pray someone can help me. In the name of Allah I will do this...if it takes me until I die. Insha' Allah. Any help I can get will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time. Question (18 Rajab 1423/Sep. 25, 2002) Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
Today's question is on
the vowelling system on the words Question (12 Rajab 1423/Sep. 19, 2002)
Salaam Alikum: Question (11 Rajab 1423/Sep. 18, 2002)
Assalaam Alaikum: Question (10 Rajab 1423/Sep. 17, 2002)
Salaam: Question (1 Rajab 1423/Sep. 8, 2002) Dear Brothers and Sisters Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah In one of your previous answers, you explained the following about ghunna. "the actual timing of a ghunnah can only be learned by reading to and being corrected by an accomplished teacher of tajweed". If one has no such accomplished teacher to read to and be corrected by, what can one who definitely wants to learn to actual timing do? If there are established rules, I believed they can still be formulated and explained, not only by direct contact. If this is in fact impossible, can we then say that the rules are not fix and they vary from one scholar to another?
Thank in advance for your
help. May Allah reward you for everything. |