Jamad Ath-Thanee 1422/ August 30, 2001) Is it possible to find recordings of the different ways of reading? It seems that it would be very interesting to listen to the different ways the Qur'an is recited.
Jamad Ath-Thanee 1422/ August 30, 2001) May Allah reward you
with a great reward for your tajweed site. I have a question about
reading from different parts of the Qur'an in "one sitting";
is it necessary to repeat: "a'oothu billahi minasshaytaannir-rajeem
Question (9
Jamad Ath-Thanee 1422/ August 28, 2001) When reading the Qur'an out loud around other people it can easily creep up in one's mind that this sounds nice etc...Would you know of a du'a that could be recited to help to protect from this problem?
Question (7
Jamad Ath-Thanee 1422/ August 26, 2001) I
studied about the pronoun ha' (
just yesterday sent a question to your site about the letter
Jamad Ath-Thanee 1422/ August 24, 2001) In
surah Al Kahf in ayah 77 it sounds like an extra sound is added between the
following words:
Question (3
Jamad Ath-Thanee 1422/ August 22, 2001) Can you please tell me how the Qur'an was revealed; it is mentioned that such and such a surah was revealed in Makkah, another in Medinah and when. How was the order of the surahs established? May Allah bless you and reward you. Question (2
Jamad Ath-Thanee 1422/ August 21, 2001) When we stop on a word we stop with a sukoon. If the letter we stop on had a vowel on it and the letter before the saakin letter is a mad letter we now lengthen the medd letter either 2 or 4 or 6 counts. My question is if the letter before the last letter is a leen letter is the count the same?
Question (1
Jamad Ath-Thanee 1422/ August 20, 2001) Would there be a place that you could suggest in the Holy Qur'an that would be particularly beneficial in practicing the different mudood? Question (28
Jamad Al-Awwal 1422/ August 18, 2001) When reciting an ayaat in a surah, and some stop because they are unable to finish reciting the ayaat. I've noticed that some may go back a few words and follow through with finishing the ayaat. Is this a rule and what would it be called? Could you also give your best example? May Allah (swt) reward you! Question (27
Jamad Al-Awwal 1422/ August 17, 2001) I
have a question on behalf of a sister who is learning tajweed. She says
that when she listens to the reading of the Qur'an and especially when she
recites herself, she can barely hear any difference between a hamzah Thank you and may Allah reward you. Question (26
Jamad Al-Awwal 1422/ August 16, 2001) Some
years ago I learned that there is a lengthening applied to the pronunciation
Question (25
Jamad Al-Awwal 1422/ August 15, 2001) Is
there an Idgham of the noon saakinah into the meem when reading the letters: Question (25
Jamad Al-Awwal 1422/ August 15, 2001) I noticed a Qur'an reader reciting an aayah at the end of which his last letter was saakin. Then he circled his two lips like a dhammah, but made no sound. I found this fascinating-could you explain what he was doing? Question (24
Jamad Al-Awwal 1422/ August 14, 2001) Could
you please explain what is the difference between different alifs? For
example in the following words from the Qur'an:
Question (23
Jamad Al-Awwal 1422/ August 13, 2001) I know I should read and study Qur'an more than I do. I can really come up with all sorts of excuses, which in actuality are not really valid! Is there any hadith you could quote me to help encourage me in my study of the Holy Qur'an so I can stop procrastinating? Thanks! Question (22
Jamad Al-Awwal 1422/ August 12, 2001) By
the grace of Allah I have been learning tajweed; what I'm wondering is this: What
should I do in my prayer if I notice that I said something wrong in my Tajweed
like my letter sounded wrong or I didn't stay long enough on a medd...Should I
repeat or am I paying too much attention to tajweed. I know I'm supposed
to be thinking of the meaning. I would really appreciate an answer to this question. May Allah reward you greatly. Question (21
Jamad Al-Awwal 1422/ August 11, 2001) Surah
21 is named al-Anbiya' in the Holy Qur'an and translated by Yusef Ali in his
English translation of the Holy Qur'an as "Prophets". In other
Question (20
Jamad Al-Awwal 1422/ August 10, 2001) Can we call an "alif" and "alif with a hamzah on top" both hamzah? Question (18
Jamad Al-Awwal 1422/ August 8, 2001) The
letter ra’ (
Question (18
Jamad Al-Awwal 1422/ August 8, 2001) In going over your
explanation about the correct timing of the letters i.e. that in order to
learn how long a med of 2 counts actually is we should practice saying voweled
letters as each voweled letter is equal to 1 count. So is that right
then that if we read "ba"
I have a question then about letters with sukoon. Are they all of equal timing? I noticed that you said recently in one of your answers that a reciter may have been staying long on a meem that has a sukoon and that the meem has "a middle of the road length of timing". Could you please explain this? Question (17 Jamad Al-Awwal 1422/ August 7, 2001) Is it better for young children of 5+ to wait to memorize the Holy Qur’an until they can more understand its meaning, i.e. 13+? Question (16 Jamad Al-Awwal 1422/ August 6, 2001) I have a question about the letters that appear by themselves in the Qur'an. They seem to be at the beginning of the surahs mostly. There are no vowel marks on them. How do we read them? What do they mean? May Allah reward you for your answers and explanations. Question (15 Jamad Al-Awwal 1422/ August 5, 2001) I
learned from my tajweed class that in the last aayah of surah al-Fatihah, on
the last word of the surah
Question (12 Jamad Al-Awwal 1422/ August 1, 2001) Why
is the word “with”