(29 Shawwal 1424/Dec.23, 2003) Assalamu Aleikum, 1. I have a few questions concerning the lengthening of a letter in the Qur'an. In surah 18, last verse (110) of the first line: "...inna mâ..." there is a sign above the lengthened miim. What is the name of that sign? On www.kitabullah.com
, sheikh Mustafa Ismail was recited 2. On surah 19 verse 19 first line, there is a sort of a small letter "o" above the letter "nűn" in "...a na...". How is it called and what is its role? 3. In my last question, I was actually refering to the "Al Bazzee" recitation, and I mistakenly stated "As Soosiy". I have noticed that Al Bazzee recitation uses the plural for the miim more that Warsh does. So my question is, should all the letters "miim" be in the plural form when recited in the Al Bazzee recitation? ( you gave an example in the question 040803, number 4)? 4. I have
memorized many verses and May Allah help you find the answers and May He make it easier for you to find them inshallah. Ma Salam Question
(24 Shawwal 1424/Dec.18, 2003) Assalamu'alaikum, Question
(24 Shawwal 1424/Dec.18, 2003) Salam
Alaikom I
would like to congratulate you on a very beneficial website. May Allah reward
your efforts. I have some questions to ask. 1. Can
you please provide several audio examples of
When stopping at a word whose last letter has a shaddah, such as
While reading through your lessons on stopping (waqf), I noticed there was a
table explaining the difference between Rawm and Ikhtilaas. To my knowledge, I
did not come across anything in the waqf lessons
on the word Ikhtilaas. Please clarify where this word fits into the lessons on
waqf. Jazakallahu
Khairun, Salam Alaikom.
(19 Shawwal 1424/Dec.13, 2003) 1.
With regards to the Ikh-Faa’ rule of the meem saakinah (meem saakinah
preceding the letter ba), how does one hide/conceal the meem? I read in one
Tajweed book that a space is left between the lips when pronouncing the meem,
however the information in your website says that this should not happen.
Please clarify how one conceals the meem in this case. 2.In
regards to the grammar lessons, do all present tense verbs end with a dhammah?
Also what is the meaning of the word “conjugated”? 3.
In the lessons on Waqf (stopping), a lot is mentioned about phrases linked in
meaning and grammar. What does “liked in grammar” mean? Also in these
lessons it was mentioned that an example was “stopping on an exceptional
statement”. What does that mean? Also what is the meaning of “the female
ha is always conjugated and never fixed.” 4. In
regards to
(16 Shawwal 1424/Dec.10, 2003) Asalamu aleykum. Question (13 Shawwal 1424/Dec.7, 2003) Assalamualaikum, Question (11 Shawwal 1424/Dec.5, 2003) Assalamu
Aleikum wa rahmatu lilahi wa barakat. Question (5 Shawwal 1424/Nov. 29, 2003) Assalamu
Aleikum. Thank you for the advice. Inshallah, I will start with 1. I was listening to surah At- Tahrîm verse 4, and the Qari, who was reading, read: "...wa jabraîlu..." instead of "...wa jibrîlu...". I know he did not read in Hafs nor Warsh, so would you please tell me which qiraah he used? 2. In surah Al Mujâdilah (58) verse 11, first line "...idha qîla...", another Qari ,who read in different ways, read " idha qwila" (he used the letter waow). Would you tell us what sort of qiraa he used? 3. I like listening to Warsh and As soosiyy readings whenever I have the occasion. I have notice that, if I am not mistaken, As- soosiyy uses the plural a lot for the mîm letter. My question is, do all the mîm letters in As -soosiyy should be used with the plural or not? 4. You have
been doing a very good work with the site, I would like to know whether you
plan on developing Warsh lessons for the next future inshallah? Question
(5 Shawwal 1424/Nov. 29, 2003) Assalamu
Aleikum Question
(2 Shawwal 1424/Nov. 26, 2003) Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, I have some confusions here about Hamzah Al Wasl: 1. In surah At-Taubah :80 I know the meaning of the first word from the English translation of the Holy Quran :"Whether you (O Muhammad Pbuh) ask forgiveness for them" but I cannot determine this word whether it is noun or verb category. So what vowel should I give to the hamzah al wasl here? 2. I am confused about the word "alaan"," aAllah", and "adh-dhakarain" in the lessson. As we learned in Medd lazim kilmi mukhaffaf, these words are in this category which to be lengthened for six counts in my understanding. When I listen to the reader in hamzah alwasl lesson, the word "alaan" is not lengthened to six. Could you explain more about this? Another thing is about 'alaamat al waqf. I don't know if I missed something, but could you explain more about all the different signs , i.e the small jiim, the small ta, the sili, the qili. I am in the UAE and non-Arab, is there any certified female English speaking teacher whom you know in the UAE so I can learn?. I am learning from someone who is still learning and the problem is it is not proper and not regular basis. I am looking for someone who can listen and correct me. I am very impressed with the lessons explained in the site so if you can recommend somebody you know, it would be very much appreciated. I know there are many Qur’an classes here but most of them in Arabic and different teachers have different ways of demonstrating how to read, i.e qalqalah, ghunnah, etc. Finally, JazakAllah khairan katheera and 'Eid Mubaarak. Question
(1 Shawwal 1424/Nov. 25, 2003) as Salaamu `Alaikum wa Rahmatullaah, I'm currently
memorizing the Qur'an both Hafs `an `Asim and Shu'bah. I have a question
in regards to the recitation of Shu'bah. My teacher told me that he is a
student of `Asim, and that his recitation is not a "qiraa'at", but
actually a "riwahah". I actually don't understand this.
I understand what riwahah is, but I still don't understand why this makes some
of the words in the Qu'ran according to Shu'bah. For example, in Hafs, a
word might be pronounced "yadkhaloona", but `an Shu'bah, it is
pronounced "yudkhiloona". I hope you understand what my
question is because when I tried to ask my teacher this, she didn't really
understand me :) |