Asalamu aleykum.
I am learning Warsh recitation through listening to tapes like sheikh Husary
and Abdulbasit Aalhamdulillah, I have memorized riwayat Hafs and I am planning
to learn all the riwayats especially the qira’ah of imam Nafi' with
the two riwayah of Warsh and Qaaluun, so my question is while listening to
Warsh recitation I have come upon when harf hamza comes after miim saakina
it's recited as humuu so is this still idhar shafawee or their is another rule
in warsh tajweed. My second question would you include Warsh lessons on this
site may Allah reward you, and if know any warsh teacher in
because I have learnt all the entire Qur’an in Warsh so what I need is
someone to listen to my recitation and to correct my errors.
Jazakumullahu kheiran .
Wa alaikum
assalaam alaikum wa rahmatu Alllahi wa barakatuh.
May Allah grant
you the knowledge of the different qira’aat and make your learning solely
for the sake of Allah.
In the
recitation of Warsh, when a word ends in the plural
, such as in the word
the next word begins with a
, the
read with a dhammah and it is lengthened the length that Warsh reads all
six vowel counts. An example of this is in the phrase:
Since the
read with a dhammah the rule is not
. The
rule is called
Insha’ Allah
we do plan on putting up the rules of
other ways of recitation. We are
still planning the changes needed to be made to include this in the site.
Insha’ Allah it will not take too long.
Please make
sure you learn the rules in theory as well as in application.
There may be something you may not pick up in just listening to the
recitation, or may not understand the reason for it, so it is quite important
to learn the rules in theory and then apply them.
We apologize for not knowing teachers in
. May Allah grant you the best of
Wa iyyakum
Wa assalaam