(25 Ramadhan
1423/Nov. 30, 2002)
Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatu
Allahi wa barakaatuh
May Allah reward you as I
have been enjoying your site for some time! Would you know if there is any
site in the French language similar to yours?
Jazaakumu Allahu khair.
(19 Ramadhan
1423/Nov. 24, 2002)
Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatu
If we are studying how to
read The Noble Qur'an with tajweed by way of Hafs 'an 'Aasim do you think it's
ok to listen also to the recitation of Sheikh Khaleel al Husaree for example,
by way of Warsh. Do you think that this could interfere with someone's
May Allah reward you for your
kindness and help.
(13 Ramadhan
1423/Nov. 18, 2002)
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatu
In surah Yunus, aayah #89

how would we stop on the
" ?
Would that be a "presented sukoon" (mad 'aarid lissukoon) even with the
shaddah on the noon at the end?
May Allah bless you and
reward you.
(10 Ramadhan
1423/Nov. 15, 2002)
As Salamu Alaykum:
May ALLAH reward you for your good work.
My question is:
If a tarqeeq letter if followed by a saakin tafkheem letter, will the tarqeeq
letter sound heavier?
When I was listening to various qaris it seemed to me that:
the noon in the 3.word of 1st ayah of al-nasr (110) ,
, sounds heavier than the one in the last
word of 5th ayah of al-fatihah (1),
Please clarify the situation.
Jazakum ALLAHu Khairan
(9 Ramadhan
1423/Nov. 14, 2002)
Al-salamou alaykum oua rahmat Allah oua
May Allah grant you Paradise for your hard work and your service offered for
the Ummah!
I have a question that always scares me and I, with my limited knowledge,
can't answer it at all! When I discovered your site and your "email a
question" link, I was so happy.
It scares me because I always imagine Allah asking His Prophet (pbuh):Is this
the recitation that you taught your Ummah and he replies no, so Allah asks his
Angels to put me in Hell.
I like to listen to Abdul Basit Abdul Samad tajweed (not tartil, the long
tajweed) but I always hear these people cheering in the crowd: "Allah! Allah!"
and I ask myself why do these people do that?
Is Abdul Basit Abdul Samad's recitation considered as music-recitation?
Also theres a hadith that talks about the muazzins that will sing the adhan
and be put in Hell, is this happening today in Makkah?
If not, can you give me an example, a partial recitation of some Koran that is
I am willing to leave anything that comes against the saying of Allah and his
Messenger as I dont want to go to the Hellfire.
Jazzakum ALlah khayr al Jazaa'. Al-salamou alaykum oua rahmat Allah oua
(6 Ramadhan
1423/Nov. 11, 2002)
Assalaamu alaikum. Would
anyone there have a suggestion or a comment about a problem that can occur to
a student of tajweed in the month of Ramadhan? In Taraaweeh prayers, many of
us women who do not normally go to the Mosque for prayer, go there in this
month. Some of us may find ourselves noticing the Imam's tajweed, may Allah
reward them for leading us in prayer, instead of remembering Allah, subhanahu
wa ta'aala and pondering the meaning of the words. This would not be in the
right spirit of the prayer I would think - would you have any comment for us
about this? This is not a tajweed question as such but I thought you might
have something to say about this problem...insha Allah!
Jazakum Allahu khair!
(5 Ramadhan
1423/Nov. 10, 2002)
Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatu
Jazakumu Allahu khair
for "The Qur'an in Ramadhan" download.
I have a question concerning
right pronunciation : for example, in surah Al FatiHah the word
In the case of
when it has a shadda would it be right to say that one must pronounce the
is saakinah with complete running of sound given to a saakina letter that
has the characteristic of "rikhawa" while giving it the quality of "Istitaala"
(i.e. the vibration that runs from the back of the tongue at the molars all
the way to the tip of the tongue) and then put pressure at the articulation
point once again for the second
this time with a fatHa? There seems to be a wave going thru and back again
when doing this, is this right?
May Allah reward you! And a
blessed Ramadhan to you!
(1 Ramadhan
1423/Nov. 6, 2002)
As-salaamu alaykum,
I have a question concerning madd. Many of the Arabs tend to shorten long
vowels to short vowels when the long vowel occurs at the end of the word in
speaking .
To give an example I read the male youth,
My Egyptian friend told me I had read the female youth,
"al-fataah" and told me to say "al-fata"
instead, in reality reading fathah instead of alif.
Also, Many Arabs have also developed vowel quality distinctions to
differentiate long and short vowels. Is this correct?
I do not have a trained teacher so how can I know the correct madd?