(27 Muharram 1425/Mar.18, 2004) As-salaamu Alaykum wa RahamAllah, I am looking for the tapes, CDs, or any source to listen/buy the recitation of Shaikh Mishary Rashed al-Efasy (Warsh) There is only surah Yousuf on Islamway.com. Also I want to know who are the Imams of Makkah and Madinah Masajid. MaashaAllaah all are blessed with good voice. I also want to find out if the tapes of all the imams are available and if I can get the contact of purchasing place. May Allaah SWT reward everyone. Jazakum Allaahu
Khairun Question
(24 Muharram 1425/Mar.15, 2004) Dear
Brothers/Sisters In Islaam: AssalaamuAlaikum! I was wondering if you could give me a little bit of information about Sheikh Usmah Al Khayyat, Sheikh Ali Al Huzaife, and Sheikh Ali Jabir. (Like a little biography.) Also, could you
give me the names of all the Imaams who currently lead prayers in both the
Haram'ain (Makkah and Madinah). Shukrun! Wasalaam Question (19 Muharram 1425/Mar.10, 2004) Assalamun Alikum. I have a
question on tajweed, specifically on Idgham.
If you have a nun saakinah, followed by the letter waw (
Does this rule apply for all the letters of idghaam, namely ya, ra, meem, lam, waw, nun or are there some letters of idgham that are merged with the nun saakinah and NOT pronounced with ghunnah? In my understanding, it is the difference of idgham kamil and idgham naqis. Thank you. Wassalam Question (18 Muharram 1425/Mar.9, 2004) Assalamu alaikum. Please advise me as to what is a good method to start with when getting a child of about 7 to memorise the whole Qur'an assuming that he can read the Qur'an...how much should they memorise daily? What are some good systems of revising what one has memorised? Is it better for a child to memorise through reading or through hearing the aayat he is to memorise? Any other general advice about trying to fit memorisation in as well as schooling would be very useful and appreciated. Jazakumullahu Khairun! Question (18 Muharram 1425/Mar.9, 2004) Salaam
Brothers, Question
(14 Muharram 1425/Mar.5, 2004) Asalaamu
Alaikum, Could you tell me where the point of articulation of each of the Arabic letter is? Thank you. Question (11 Muharram 1425/Mar.2, 2004) Assalamu
alaykum warahmatullah, Question (10 Muharram 1425/Mar.1, 2004) Assalaamu
Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuhu. Question (5 Muharram 1425/Feb.25, 2004) Assalamu
Aleikum. |