(22 Safar 1424/Apr. 24, 2003)
For 'Ain, is it sufficient to say that 'ain is the follower of leen without
saying that we have to read with ikhfa' since the last letter (
) comes before Saad? Is it permissible to read with four counts while the
other harfi letters are read with 6 counts?
For Saad, I know that it is mad lazim harfi mukhaffaf letter, but do I have to
say it has qalqalah kubra because of stopping? How to stop at this
it with qalqalah kubra?
I have this questions because we were given a test, and some of my friends
answered like the above (stating that 'ain should be read with ikhfa' and in
shaad there is a qalqalah kubra). I only answered that 'ain is the follower of
leen and saad is maad lazim harfi muthaqqal, so is this imperfect
answer? I need to know this so that I can explain others the perfect answer.
JazakumuLlah khairan katheera.
(21 Safar 1424/Apr. 23, 2003)
Jzkk for the site. IMHO (in my humble opinion), you should give flexibility to
Muslims on the proper way to read Al Qur’an. I understand that you wish to
promote Hafs an 'Asim by the way of Shatabiah, but on the other hand, you are
not making it easy for the people to try their best to read Al Qur’an.
Al Qur’an is not for the the elite of the muslimoon. Allah had
revealed Al Qur'an to mankind. It is not reserved for shuyookh per se.
For example, I found out that Husary made his mud jaiz munfassil two
harakaat in most of his qiraat. It really made my life easier and I
don’t have to stop unnecessarily. You already mentioned that the knowledge
of tajweed is fardh kifayah but practicing it is fardh 'ain, so it is not
obligatory for ALL Muslims to know the mechanics of tajweed.
Why don't you make it easy for the people, telling them it is okay to read the
mud j aiz munfassil as two harakaat rather than sternly saying "this is
not our opinion". We should make people love Al Qur’an not shy away
from them.
I once read mud jaiz with two harakaat and one brother came up to me and
interrogated me and somewhat "forced" his opinion of mud jaiz
munfassil as four or five. Now, is this the spirit of Al Qur’an?
One more thing, the site on most common error in tajweed. IMHO, there are many
non Arab readers and syuyukh especially in
. We have been trying to eradicate the dogma that Al Qur’an is for
Arabs only and I don't think by classifying readers of Al Qur’an as Arab and
non Arab as tactful.
with tajweed is a skill. It is not innate or inherent. I don't hear any Arab
who goes to learn tajweed had to skip the makharij of huruf class.
IMHO, the first mistake that many Al Qur’an teacher of institution make is
to give the notion that Al Qur’an is difficult or the Arabic language for
that matter. This is clearly not in line with what Allah has said, "wa
laqad yassarnal Qurana lidhikri fa hal mim muddakir".
Next, I think you ought to give alternatives. It is good that you are telling
the people they ought to find a certified teacher to teach them Al Qur’an.
The next best thing is to provide them addresses, Islamic centers or
cities in the
(if this site is USA-based) where these individuals can be found.
It is bad enough that we common people are being criticised for not reading
with tajweed, at least tell us where to go. JazakAllahu khairan for your
effort, may Allah accept it as a good deed.
(18 Safar 1424/Apr. 20, 2003)
alaykum we are one little school of hifz of Qur’an from
Bosnia and Herzegovina
. We are from
and we are trying to find best way to learn whole Qur’an by heart. We have
many students here also in four years we have four hafizs. If you have any
material or lessons about hifz and methods of learning Qur’an by heart or
lessons about psychology of learning can you please send to us. May Allah
Subhanehu gives you His jannet and jazakumullahu khayran. Hifz of
Qur’an and tajweed rules
Bosnia and Herzegovina
(15 Safar 1424/Apr. 17, 2003)
it permissible to pronounce wa ladaaleen in al-fatihah as wa ladhaaleen.
someone told me that the qir’aah of ibn Katheer pronounced daaleen as
dhaaleen with a dhaal. explain this to me.
(14 Safar 1424/Apr. 16, 2003)
I would like to know what is the correct way to understand the tajweed
rule in surah (Al-Qiyaamah 29) 75:29
the phrase [bismillah] {wal}:wa'un-lamun
sakun}, however, I thought the ta'un was a shams letter, which the wa'un would
connect (sakin) with the ta'un. therefore, I thought the the phrase would be [bismilah]
{wattaffa}: excuse my phonetic narration, I did not have Arabic windows/ or
keyboard software.
thought was that the lamum is part of the word which is the
tri-literal root of LAFAFA.
explain in detail, and recommend any books I can study from.
(10 Safar 1424/Apr. 12, 2003)
am a student at
, working on thesis about tajweed. I have read your pages, and I have some
questions :
Does Tajwid have a relation with Arabic phonology ?
In some phonological processes in Tajwid, such as assimilation, does it have
the same rules with Arabic phonology ?
kindly explain. Thank you.
your soonest response.
(9 Safar 1424/Apr. 11, 2003)
I have some
questions regarding the different recitations revealed to Muhammad (SAS), and
their preservation:
1) We have ten
readings that are 'mutatwaatir' from our prophet, what exactly is meant by
2) We have some
other readings (at least four from what I gather) that are 'shaadh'. What
is meant by this? How many are there? Have they been preserved or lost, and
where does this stand when Allaah says He will preserve the Qur’an for us?
3) What exactly
did Uthman (RA) preserve in his musshaffs - just the readings we have
that we call mutawaatir? I heard it is not permissible to recite shaadh
readings , but I don't understand why, if there is a saheeh chain back to
the prophet (SAS), one cannot....why is there doubt?
Jazaak Allahu
khayran for your efforts
(8 Safar 1424/Apr. 10, 2003)
salaamu alaikum.
regrets I by myself agree so far I have not completed the whole Qur’an and
may Allah bestow me to read the glorious Qur’an. hope to hear from you.
(7 Safar 1424/Apr. 9, 2003)
I have noticed that most of the Arabs I have met, including those that give
instruction in tajweed, do not pronounce dhaad from the posterior side of the
tongue. Instead, in their colloquial speech they pronounce it exactly
like Dhaa' or they pronounce it as a daal with tafkheem from the makhraj of
Taa'. Even in reciting the Qur'aan some teachers instruct you to
pronounce it with the tip of the tongue. I was actually surprised how
few of the Arabs I met knew the proper pronunciation of dhaad. I was just
wondering is there any country or area where the people still pronounce dhaad
from the side of the tongue.
Jazakumullahu khairan
As-Salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh
(3 Safar 1424/Apr. 5, 2003)
I have come across your site a few days ago and am already very impressed
and pleased by it. It is exactly the type of information that I need.
May Allah reward you, and make this project successful.
My problem is with pronouncing both r (raa) and w (waw). When I say one
of them, they both sound the same in my ears. Also when I say them they
sound the same (NB. the problem is also with my English pronunciation of
these letters).
I have read your descriptions of "r" i.e. hit/strike the gums of the
incisors with the tongue tip (and the top of the tip). But can you tell
me what shape my mouth/jaw/lips should be. In what position do they
start, go into, and end in.
May Allah give you Jannah.
(2 Safar 1424/Apr. 4, 2003)
Alaikum Warahmatullah wabarakaatuh
Are there any books available in English which teach the Qira'at Al Asharah.
There are books available in Arabic but I am not of those who can understand
What Naseehah would you give to someone who wants to learn the Qur'an in
another Riwaayah. I have been brought up to read in Hafs an Asim qiraa'ah but
would like to learn more. Again I do not understand Arabic so books in Arabic
would not be of use. Jazakallah for your time
Muharram 1424/Mar. 4, 2003)
As-Salaamu alaykum,
I had asked about alif at-tafkheem. I found an explanation on the site in the kitaab at-tamheed fii 3ilm tajweed by Imaam al-Jazaree
under the twenty second section of al-7aroof al-mashrabah.
It said that alif mufakhkhamah is when the sound of alif becomes close to the
sound of waaw and that it is used in the recital of Warsh.
As-Salaamu alaykum