I have come across your site a few days ago and am already very impressed
and pleased by it. It is exactly the type of information that I need.
May Allah reward you, and make this project successful.
My problem is with pronouncing both r (raa) and w (waw). When I say one
of them, they both sound the same in my ears. Also when I say them they
sound the same (NB. the problem is also with my English pronunciation of
these letters).
I have read your descriptions of "r" i.e. hit/strike the gums of the
incisors with the tongue tip (and the top of the tip). But can you tell
me what shape my mouth/jaw/lips should be. In what position do they
start, go into, and end in.
May Allah give you Jannah.
alaikum assalaam wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakaatuh.
Allahu khairan for your dua’ and comments.
the letter
the letter
sounding similar to your ears, it very well may be that you are pronouncing
the letter
a circling of the lips. This is
not an uncommon problem and there are several steps that can be taken to
correct the pronunciation, with Allah’s Will.
the hitting of the tip and top of the tip of the tongue to the gums does not
happen or is weak, there tends to be an incorrect compensation in the lips, in
other words, the lips circle and the sound of “w” comes out instead of the
It does take practice to get used to hitting the tongue up to the gums
for this letter, since in many languages this doesn’t occur for the “r”.
The lips move with the letter
to the vowel on the
If there is a fat-h, the mouth should open vertically while hitting the
tip and back part of the tip of the tongue against the gums of the two front
incisors, as stated in the question. If
there is a kasrah on the
there should be a lowering of the jaw, and if there is a dhammah on the
there should be a circling of the lips and the lips should protrude forward
with the circling, as they do in the word “refuge”, but there is more
outer lip movement while circling the lips in the correct Arabic dhammah sound
than the English example.
suggest that you listen to surah Al-Muddath-thir (surah number 74), read by
either Sheikh Al-Husary or Sheikh Abdullah Basfar and concentrate on how the
at the end of the aayaat that end with a
there are quite a few aayaat in this surah ending in a
You will need to listen many times to absorb the correct sound of the
then after listening several times, try imitating just the last word of each
aayah that ends in a
Beginning with trying to say the
will make you focus more on the articulation point.
You should be able to feel your tongue hitting the gums, if you are not
sure, then you are most likely not hitting the tongue on the gums.
Since the
saakinah at the end of many of these aayaat (we always stop with a sukoon),
there should be no lip or jaw movement accompanying it.
Look in a mirror while you practice saying the
after listening to the recording of the sheikh, and make sure your mouth is
not circling, and the lips are not protruding forward.
you are sure that the tongue tip and top of the tip are hitting the gums of
the two front incisors with the
start practicing with the three different vowels.
Do not rush to this step, try to make sure you are really saying the
letter well in its saakin state before moving on to the vowels.
a lot of dua’, for verily Allah is the One who teaches us.
Ask Allah for the ability to pronounce the letter
and at the same time, employ the reasons for success: listening to proper
pronunciation, and practicing a great deal.
ask Allah to make it easy for you to recite the Qur’an with proper
articulation points of the letters and application of tajweed, and give you
Jannah also. Ameen.