Question (29 Jamada-l-Oolaa 1423/Aug. 8, 2002) Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu I have four questions which I hope you can clarify for me please. I am in need of the answers quite urgently, jazakumullahu khayran. 1. In surah tawba ayah
49, 2. For waqf taanuq
3. Regarding Hujuraat
ayah 11, you mentioned in one of your previous answers two ways of reading
4. Is ikhtilaas ( Your speedy reply is very much appreciated. Jazakallahu khayran wa salaam Question (26 Jamada-l-Oolaa 1423/Aug. 5, 2002) Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatu Allah, Could you please clarify this passage in your current "Tidbit" lesson:
"All beginnings
It is the part that
I've underlined that isn't clear to me; I understood that to begin after
cutting off the reading entirely i.e.
Question (23 Jamada-l-Oolaa 1423/Aug. 1, 2002)
Assalaam alaikum. Question (20 Jamada-l-Oolaa 1423/July 30, 2002)
Assalaamu alaikum. Could you
please give some pointers to someone who has trouble differentiating between
the sound of the letter Also I would like to say thank you for the download about The Manners of the Seekers of knowledge and Students of the Qur'an. May Allah reward you for this valuable information. Question (15 Jamada-l-Oolaa 1423/July 25, 2002) Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatuh. Could you kindly explain why Imaam Al-Jazaree in his poem, " Al- Jazariyya" has emphasized the shape of the mouth rather than the sound itself when he says that if you see a reader who doesn't round his mouth for pronouncing the dhammah that we should know that he is a reader "falling short" in his reading?
2. And also what is meant
when he, may Allah have mercy on him, says: "and return each one (i.e. letter)
to its original - and the utterance of it's look-alike is like itself -
completely without "takalluf" ( Jazakumu Allahu khaira. Question (12 Jamada-l-Oolaa 1423/July 22, 2002)
The Friday sermon must be Arabic. What about English the
community is 100 % Question (10 Jamada-l-Oolaa 1423/July 20, 2002) Assalaam alaikum. Could you please tell me if reading a certain way during a passage of the Majestic Qur'an which refers to Paradise and Allah's Most High's reward and so on (and may we be of it's recipients!) and then reading a different way during a passage referring to Allah Most High's punishment (and may we be preserved from it!) is part of Tajweed? May Allah reward you for your help. Question (6 Jamada-l-Oolaa 1423/July 16, 2002) Assalamualaikum, I would like to ask here about the sifaatul huruf. I know the meaning of them in my language but am unable to practice correctly (because my teacher always said I left 'zaman' when I read the hams and the letters with syaddah. Do I need to give zaman to all of the letters of hams and letters with syaddah on them? When I read, I feel that I already pause for a moment but my teacher keeps correcting me, so is it a sinful if I didn't read very well. Alhamdulillah I know all the hukums (noon saakinah, lam saakinah, mad, idgham, ghunnah) but my biggest trouble is this sifaatul huruf. Jazakamullah for your help, may Allah reward you. Question (5 Jamada-l-Oolaa 1423/July 15, 2002) Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatu Allah Jazakum Allahu bi kulli khair for your teaching, time and effort. In answer to a question dated: (27 Rabee' Ath-Thanee 1423/July 8, 2002) about the differences in the various ways of reading it is mentioned that the seven qir'aat outlined in the Shaatibiyyah poem are all "min tareeq Ash-Shaatibiyyah" which must mean, in other words "following the rules as outlined in the Shaatibiyyah. Did I understand that right? And are the three ways of reading covered in Imam al Jazaree's poem, the Durrah, called "min tareeq ad-Durrah"? What does min Tareeq at-Tayyibah refer to and to what reading does it apply? Question (3 Jamada-l-Oolaa 1423/July 13, 2002)
Question (2 Jamada-l-Oolaa 1423/July 12, 2002)
Assalaamu alaikum. Question (1 Jamada-l-Oolaa 1423/July 11, 2002)
Assalaamu alaikum,