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Assalaamu alaikum. Could you
please give some pointers to someone who has trouble differentiating between
the sound of the letter Also I would like to say thank you for the download about The Manners of the Seekers of knowledge and Students of the Qur'an. May Allah reward you for this valuable information. Answer Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh. May Allah reward you for your beneficial questions.
The differentiating between the sound and
therefore the pronunciation of the letters
Listening to the Qur'an recited by known
reciters and trying to differentiate each
Listening to surah Al-Qiyaamah will
especially help develop an ear for the
Jazakum Allahu khairan for your comments on the download. May Allah grant all the Muslims and especially the students of the Qur'an with the proper manners and etiquette when seeking knowledge. |