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Question (26 Jamad Ath-Thanee1423/Sep. 4, 2002)
Assallam aylikum: Question (25 Jamad Ath-Thanee1423/Sep. 3, 2002) As-Salami Alaykum: Thanx a lot for your very useful website. I was wondering whether the tajweed rules are available in other qiraahs on the internet. May ALLAH help you in helping others in tajweed. Question (23 Jamad Ath-Thanee1423/Sep. 1, 2002) Assalamualaykum I was reading surah
Ghafir verse 58 and on the word 'wa lal musee'
Jaza kallahu khayraa Question (20 Jamad Ath-Thanee1423/Aug. 29, 2002)
salaam: Question (17 Jamad Ath-Thanee1423/Aug. 26, 2002) Asalam Alaikum, Pls Adv if there's a site on the net which allows a user to Read Quran with proper recitation. I mean Arabic Verses with Proper Recitation & Translation. Question (17 Jamad Ath-Thanee1423/Aug. 26, 2002)
aslam o alikom to all. Question (16 Jamad Ath-Thanee1423/Aug. 25, 2002) Assalamu alaykum At the end of verse 1 of surah Kahf, if we read in continued reading (wasl) you mentioned that there are two ways allowed - with sakt; and without sakt. If you read WITHOUT sakt (ie continue through) do you pronounce the tanween (i'wajan qayyimal...) or not (iwajaa qayyimal)? What about with sakt? Jazakallahu khayran Question (13 Jamad Ath-Thanee1423/Aug. 22, 2002) Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu I am sorry to have to ask you more questions on wuquuf, but there are some areas that still remain unclear to me. 1. In Masad verse 1 if we have to stop (teaching or compelled) on yadaa, is this aarid sukuun (ie 2, 4 or 6 counts allowed) or is there only 2 counts allowed? What about on the words 'mimma' and 'alaa' for example in Baqarah verses 3 and 5 respectively - is this aarid sukun for 2, 4 or 6 counts or 2 only? 2. How do we stop on
the word 3. My final question is regarding stopping on the 'standing oblong zero' (sifr mustateel qaa'im). For example in the word ana ('I') or aTH-THunoona (33:10). If we stop here is this aarid sukuun (ie are 2, 4 or 6 counts allowed) or are there only 2 counts allowed? If so why? Jazakallahu khayr for taking the time to answer my questions. wa salaam Question (11 Jamad Ath-Thanee1423/Aug. 20, 2002) assalamu alykum Regarding your section on muduud I am unsure how to pronounce two terms as the Arabic is not clear to read. The first is regarding leen letters. You say they have a slight lengthening - is this called madda-ma or maddaa- ma? The second is regarding the stronger of two causes. Is this called sababayn or sabeebayn? Jazakallah Question (11 Jamad Ath-Thanee1423/Aug. 20, 2002) Dear Brothers and Sisters Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah Thank you very much for your help on your wonderful site. My questions today are about the last part of 5:32 (Al-Maida, Verse 32). There we read "wa laqad jaa'at-hum rusulunaa..."
Could you please (a) explain to us why the feminine form "jaa'at" is used instead of "jaa'a"--the form grammatically used for a group of men or a group of men and women--and (b) provide other similar cases in the Glorious Book, if possible? I have seen some explanation that may apply to this point in a non-Muslim grammar book, but it seems always better to first turn to the authority of Muslim experts. Wassalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah Question (9 Jamad Ath-Thanee1423/Aug. 18, 2002) Salaams I was just reading this rule where the "a" of l drops if it comes after Fat7ah, Kasrah or Dammah.. Would this be hamzatul wasl? Thank you, Question (8 Jamad Ath-Thanee1423/Aug. 17, 2002) ASALAAMO ILOKM WARUHMATULLAH, I JUST FINISHED MEMORISING THE HOLY QURAAN. I WOULD LIKE TO CONTINUE AND LEARN OTHER QIRAA BESIDES HAFS. COULD YOU HELP ME IN THIS MATTER. JAZZA KALLAH! Question (7 Jamad Ath-Thanee1423/Aug. 16, 2002) assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah Jazakallhu khayran for answering my previous questions. In the case of a
compelled or teaching stop how do we stop on the word
Do we stop and convert the taa to a haa or stop on it as it is written? wa salaam Question (6 Jamad Ath-Thanee1423/Aug. 15, 2002) assalamu alaykum Does the 'Aaa-llahu' in surah Yunus verse 59 follow the same rule as in Naml verse 59 i.e. it can be read with either ibdaal (6 counts) or with tas-heel? I could not find it specifically referred to in your lessons. May Allah reward you greatly. wa salaam Question (6 Jamad Ath-Thanee1423/Aug. 15, 2002) Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu I have heard that nabr is not needed to distinguish the dual form of the past tense from the masculine singular (3 examples in Quran) as it is clear from the context of the verse and the ayahs before and after. Is this correct? My further questions are: is there nabr for: 1. Singular masculine and feminine order form of the verb (eg. udkhul and udkhulee) since both sound the same when a sukuun follows (ie udkhuli). Are there any examples from the Quran? 2. Past tense 'they (feminine plural) said - qulna' and 'we said - qulnaa' since both are read 'qulna' when followed by a sukuun. Are there any examples from the Qur'an? Jazakumullahu khayran Question (4 Jamad Ath-Thanee1423/Aug. 13, 2002) Assalaamu alaikum Could you please clarify which letters have heaviness (tafkheem) in reading? Do they always have this heaviness? Are vowels affected by it or only letters? And, how important is it to read these letters this way? May Allah reward you for answering our questions. Question (3 Jamad Ath-Thanee1423/Aug. 12, 2002) Asalaam alaikum My name is Abdelaziz I live in Amsterdam i want to learn proper tarteel and maybe in the future (insha`allah) tajweed. But I live in Holland so it's almost impossible to find a teacher who can teach me that. I listen a lot to Mohammed el Barrak. I have a couple of his CD`s he recites Qur'an with tarteel. I try to just my voice like his but I have problems with breathing at the right time and I don't know which part of my throat I need to use. But I know I can not be like Mohammed El Barrak because he's only 14 years old with an incredible voice but he had good teachers. But I really want learn it. Please help me!!! I`m 22 years old. Question (1 Jamad Ath-Thanee1423/Aug. 10, 2002) Assalaamu alaikum, In the verse in surah
AS-Saff verse 6: Jazaakallaahu khair |