(27 Jamad Al-Awwal 1425/July 15, 2004)
I have a few questions about the vowel counts during the mudood. I understand
the process of 2, 4, and 6 vowel counts during the mudood. However my
difficulty is to be able to know how the reciter uses either 4 or 6 vowel
counts in the recitation. As far as the recitation of Hafs by the way of Ash
Shatibbiyah is concerned, how can I know that 4 or 6 vowel counts have been
used? Is there a way for me to calculate or rather count the vowels in my mind
in order to know that this is either 4 or 6 counts?
I hope you understand my question. I can differentiate the counts from each
other because of their length (one is longer than the other etc), but I would
like to be able to know for myself with certainty the technique to be able to
count the proper way.
May Allah help you find the easy answer inshallah
Wa salamu Aleikum
(25 Jamad Al-Awwal 1425/July
13, 2004)
What happens to
similar and alike letters?
(18 Jamad Al-Awwal 1425/July 6, 2004)
Assalam o
alaikum. I hope u r fine. last time I did ask u about any website that
contained any taraweeh recitation of sheikh Ali bin Abdullah al Jabir.
I also wanted
to have information about his biography. Can you help me in this regard?
(16 Jamad Al-Awwal 1425/July 4, 2004)
a) What does it mean when a reciter (Qari) uses or knows maqaam (or
maqamaat)in the recitation?
b) Sometimes in
nâzi'at verse 27
, some qaris recite as:
"A antumuu...". Since this way of reciting verse 27 is neither Hafs
or Warsh, would you please tell me which way it is?
May Allah reward you inshallah and give you Hikmah
Ma Salam
(12 Jamad Al-Awwal 1425/June 30, 2004)
1) Would you please give 2 or 3 examples on how the riwaayah of Qaloon is
different from the riwaayah of Hafs (by the way of Ash Shaatibbiya) as far as
way it (Qaloon) is read?
2) Just like the recitation of Hafs is recited by ways such as Ash
Shaatibiyyah, does the recitation of Warsh have other ways also?
May Allah help you in your tasks inshallah
Ma salam
(9 Jamad Al-Awwal 1425/June 27, 2004)
I am studying
the Arabic language and I find some things confusing. I would be grateful if
you could answer the following:
1) what is a
tanween and where does it come?
2) what are the
functions of a tanween?
3 Rules of
tanween al fathah while stopping
4) differences
between tanween al fathah and dammah while stopping?
(5 Jamad Al-Awwal 1425/June 23, 2004)
1. Usually,
qualified masters of the Quran teach the rules of Tajweed and of
course the reading of the Quran to students. Although Allah the Almighty sent
down the revelation to prophet Muhammad (
is it correct to say that Allah was his teacher? If no, who then taught
prophet Muhammad (
) the rules of Tajweed
and the reading of the Quran?
2. In
al Qiyâmah verse 16 "Lâ tuharrik bihii lisanaka lita' djalabih"
(Move not your tongue concerning (the Quran, O Muhammad) to make haste
therewith) What is the message in the verse that we all have to keep in
mind when reading the Quran?
Is it to read
slowly by respecting the rules of Tajweed and not read fast without
understanding the meaning of what we are reading?
I hope you
understand the question inshallah. May Allah give you the right answers
Wa salamu
Question (4 Jamad Al-Awwal 1425/June 22, 2004)
Asalam aleykum
Off all the 20
riwayats which one is the most difficult of all, jazakumulahu kheir.
(4 Jamad Al-Awwal 1425/June 22, 2004)
What are the
differences between the rules of Quranic recitation of Warsh and hafs-durrey?