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Question (28 Shawwaal 1423/Jan.1, 2003) Salam. You have mentioned the importance of having a qualified teacher in Tajweed. I would like to study Tajweed as a full time student, but I do not know where to go. Could you please recommend some places where I could go to study under a qualified teacher. Jazakallah Khairan. Wasalam. Question (28 Shawwaal 1423/Jan.1, 2003) Assalaam alaikum wa rahmatu Allah Does the recitation of the basmalah when beginning the reading in the middle of a surah depend in some circumstances on the subject and meaning of the aayah that the reader is starting on? I recently heard a student of tajweed say that she had heard something about this. May Allah reward you for all the information you have made available to us on your site. Question (27 Shawwaal 1423/Dec. 30, 2002) Salam. What are the names of the 7 types of recitation? Jazakallah Khairan. Question/Comment (27 Shawwaal 1423/Dec. 30, 2002)
as-salaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu.
Maa shaa' allaah what a beneficial and wonderful site you have! I just hope it
will not be so engrossing that people will forget about getting a real teacher
to study with! Question (22 Shawwaal 1423/Dec. 26, 2002) Assalaamu alaikum, 1) Could you please explain the following terms in the light of Hafs 'an 'Aasim: "at takbeer ul 'aam", "at takbeer fee awaaili suwar il khatm" and "at takbeer fee awaakhiri suwar il khatm" and the rulings of continuing and stopping between two surahs with takbeer. 2) With regards Hafs 'an 'Aasim what are the rulings on "sakt 'alaa saakin qabl alhamz" and what is meant by "sakt 'aam" and "sakt khaas". How exactly are these performed in Hafs 'an 'Aasim.
3) I heard
that there are several ways of saying ta'awwudh between the various qira'aat (eg
aoodho billaahis samee il aleem minash shaytaan irrajeem, was taftah Allaah
wahuwa khayrul faatiheen"), is this true and if so, what are the ways allowed
in Hafs? Question (21 Shawwaal 1423/Dec. 25, 2002)
Assalamualikum Question (13 Shawwaal 1423/Dec. 17, 2002) Assalam alaikum wa rahamathu llaahi wa barakakathuhu. I'm regular reader of
your sight. I have started my tahfeez-ul-qur'aan recently. Alhamdulillah, I'm
getting more benefit from abouttajweed.com, I'm very thankful to you,
jazakallahu khairan. As I have a doubt in surah al-nnazi'aat (last verse) "Lam
yalbathoo illa 3ashiyyatan aw dhuhahaa."
Question (13 Shawwaal 1423/Dec. 17, 2002)
Warahmatullaahi I would like to know : What is the most complete book on tajweed available for me to use as a reference book; and which one do you personally recommend ? I have heard about the book by Ibn Al-Jazari . What is the title of this book ? Thank you very much Wassalaam . Question (12 Shawwaal 1423/Dec. 16, 2002) Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatu Allah
Recently I heard the
recitation of surah Al Qiyamah and at the end of aayaat 10 ( Question (10 Shawwaal 1423/Dec. 14, 2002) Salam. Do you know where I could get a complete Qur'an set with recitation in Warsh and/or Qaloon. I know they are available as I have listened to them on IslamWay.com, Warsh by Khalil Al-Husari, and Qaloon by Hudhaifi, but the quality there is not very good. Would you know where I could by any of these? Jazakallah Khairan. P.S. Are you based in the US? P.S.S. Some people have said to me that Shiekh Ayman may be the highest authority in Qur'an today, is this true? Question (7 Shawwaal 1423/Dec. 11, 2002) Assalamu alaikum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh . I would like to ask you 2 questions regarding tajweed as below : Question One : I know that the Madd Munfasil can be read with 2, 4 or 5 harakaat, or that the Madd 'Aaridh Lissukuun may be read 2, 4 or 6 harakaat . My question is : Must I read all the ayah in the Qur'aan with the same length, or may I read it with individual lengths . Take for example Surah Al-Faatihah : If I read the Madd 'Aaridh Lissukuun in the word "Al-'Aalameen" in the 2nd ayah using 4 harakaats, must I read all other Madd 'Aaridh Lissukuun using 4 harakaats, e.g. the word "Ar-Raheem" in the next ayah ? or may I read each Madd with 2 or 4 or 6 harakaats . Question Two : Recently, when reading the Qur'aan together, a friend asked me a question about the correct way of reading a specific ayah of the Qur'aan when another of our friends was reading the Qur'aan . Is this haraam as it is said in the ayah : "Fastami 'uu lahuu wa an situu la allakum turhamuun" ? or is it okay to do so, because we are still talking about the Qur'aan and not about something which does not have anything to do with the Qur'aan . Thank you very much for your answers . May Allaah bless you for your good efforts and kind contributions to the Muslim Ummah ! Wassalaam Alaikum Question (6 Shawwaal 1423/Dec. 10, 2002) Assalamu-alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh
1. I
would like to know, is the word " 2. In Ramadhan, I and my friends usually read the Holy Qur'aan in turns, i.e. we sit around a table, and one person reads one "safhah" and the next person reads one more, and so on. My question is : Should each of us read the Isti'aadzah when beginning, or is it enough for the first person to say it and the rest just continue without saying the Isti'aadzah ? Should we read it aloud, or should we read it in our hearts ? In these cases, what is the hukm of saying the Isti'aadzah in each of the situations above ? Thank you very much. May Allaah bless you for your efforts and contributions to the Muslim Ummah.
Wassalaam Alaikum.
Question (1 Shawwaal 1423/Dec. 5, 2002) Assalamualaikum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh,
I have the following questions:
1. In surah Al-Maa'idah
ayah 28, the word "basaTta"
2. Is it true that when
there is a wau majmu' or alif majmu' and after that alif lam qamariah we have
to read 2 counts first and then read join with the alif lam? For example, the
word "wadkhuluu-lbaaba"
3. I would like to know about giving zaman for Rakhawah and Tawassut letters. Does it vary among the readers or they have to be the same strength? For example some people have very soft and low pitch voice, when they come across hams letters with a sukoon, do they have to pronounce the same strength as the reader who has high pitch voice? I hope you can understand what I mean here because sometimes the teacher will say to the student she didn't give zaman (proper timing) while actually the students gave but it was not distinguished because of the soft voice.
JazakumuAllah khairan katheera.