My (ta’)
is consistently, my teacher
tells me, too heavy-what do you suggest?
a letter that does not have the characteristic of being heavy (it doesn’t have
tafkheem), so there should be no heaviness in it.
There are a few mistakes that may lead it being heavy, one is an
incorrect articulation point, the other, raising up the tongue in the back.
The letter
is articulated from the top of the tip of the tongue and the gum
line of the two front upper incisors. The
English “t” is pronounced at a position posterior to the gum line, more on
the soft tissue behind the gum (the bump behind the gum).
The Urdu language also has a letter that is pronounced back behind the
first thing to make sure of, is the articulation point of this letter.
The top of the tip is a very narrow area, and does not include the big
section of the top of the tongue that lies posterior to the tip.
The gum line is exactly where the gums and the teeth come together, and
not behind the gums, nor far from the teeth.
second thing to be aware of is the position of the posterior part of your
tongue. If it is raising up while
pronouncing the
, there will be heaviness.
The posterior portion of the tongue should be down at rest, not active.