we always begin reading the Qur'an with saying:
Answer There
are three categories of stops when reciting the Qur’an: 1.
A testing or teaching stop. This
is when a teacher tells you to stop for any reason, or in a test situation you
are asked to stop on a certain word. 2.
A compelled stop. This is
when something compels you to stop your recitation, for example: sneezing,
coughing, forgetting the next word, etc. 3.
A voluntary stop. This is
a stop that you have taken upon your own free will.
This stop is the stop that has rules to go with it as to where it is
allowed and where it is not allowed, according to grammar and meaning. Interruptions
may or may not fall into the second category of stop.
Only you can determine whether the interruption was compelled or a
voluntary cut off of your recitation. If
it was compelled, then after the temporary interruption, you may resume your
recitation with no need for saying the isti’aathah, which is the phrase: