Question (7 Jamad Al-Awwal 1422/ July 28, 2001) May I ask you if it is all possible send me an issue of your free Islamic books and magazines (for adults and children)? Question (2 Jamad Al-Awwal 1422/ July 23, 2001) I
have a query about the ruling for when the letter
That a ruling called 'ikhfaa shafawee' applies in that the
Some have said to me that you do pronounce the
Which is the correct opinion? Question (2 Jamad Al-Awwal 1422/ July 23, 2001) My mosque teacher said to me the other day that it is really bad to pronounce Arabic words wrong, but living in England we are so not used to reading in the way Arabic people do. So my question is would you please send me something to my email address that can tell me how to pronounce some of the main Arabic letters. Thank you. Question (1 Jamad Al-Awwal 1422/ July 22, 2001) Jazaak Allah alf khair for your wonderful website! I am an American Muslimah trying to learn tajweed, insha'Allah. Unfortunately, the classes here are limited to English speaking students. And I am amazed at the fact that most Arabs don't pronounce the Arabic letters properly. Subhan Allah, may Allah increase our knowledge. Ameen. Al-hamdu lillah, I comprehend the readings and the tidbits, and I believe, that to be successful, I need a good teacher. Do you happen to know of any in the Nashville, Tennessee, USA area? There is a class taught by our local Imam, but I am not currently enrolled and the new session will not begin for new comers until at a later, unannounced date. I would like to begin as soon as possible with this endeavor of mine, insha' Allah. I appreciate your assistance, encouragement, and time. Question (1 Jamad Al-Awwal 1422/ July 22, 2001) When we stop
on a word with a shaddah, such as
(30 Rabee' Ath-Thanee 1422/ July 21, 2001) What
is the correct way of stopping on this word:
(29 Rabee' Ath-Thanee 1422/ July 20, 2001) In Surah as-Saff verse 2, how long is the ya which is then followed by a hamzah and means "Oh, you......"
(28 Rabee' Ath-Thanee 1422/ July 19, 2001) May Allah reward you greatly for you answers to our questions and may we benefit from them and from the Qur'an itself. Could you please tell me if the questioning hamzah is considered part of the word it is attached to? or the ya' used for calling?
(27 Rabee' Ath-Thanee 1422/ July 18, 2001) As-salaamu
Alaykum, Where can I learn tajweed in a Muslim country? Can you recommend a Salafi Shaykh whom I can learn tajweed from? Question (27 Rabee' Ath-Thanee 1422/ July 18, 2001) What is the correct name in Arabic of the 99th surah-The Earthquake in Arabic? Question (26 Rabee' Ath-Thanee 1422/ July 17, 2001) Surah al Kafiroon, al humdulillah, is somewhat difficult for my children to memorize. They become confused because the ayaat are repeated or similar. Do you have any hints on how to make it easier for them? Question
(24 Rabee' Ath-Thanee 1422/ July 15,
2001) I
often hear the comment in our tajweed class that the meem and noon at the end
of words is not clear like in the words that end in
Question (23 Rabee' Ath-Thanee 1422/ July 14, 2001) Could
you please clarify the way to recite the word