The female
There are two types of
(the letter
indicating a female gender) in the Qur’an:
That which is written with what is
, in other words
written as: 
2. That
which is written with what is called
, or written as the letter
These two different ways of writing this
letter are of the specifics of the ‘Uthmani writing. It is important that the
reciter knows these well, so that he stops according to the way it is written;
this means the reader must stop with a
when the
word is written with
and stop
with a
when the word is written with
. There are two subdivisions
of this section, one being those words that are agreed to be singular and
written with
, the second
being those words that are written with
, but
there is a difference of opinion on whether it is singular or plural.
The female
which is agreed
to be singular and is written with a

This occurs in the
revelation in 13 words in 41 places. They are all words in singular form and
are adjuncted by a clear noun after it
recites these with a
stopping. The 13 words that are sometimes written with
These will now be
covered individually.
We will start with two of these words and cover their occurrences this
lesson, and continue next lesson with the other words.

There are seven places
where this word was written in the Qur’an with
, all other places in the
Qur’an are written with

Imam Al-Jazaree documented these places
in his poem famously known as al-jazariyyah, when he wrote:
The word "Kaf" refers to surah Maryam.

This word was written in
the Holy Qur’an with
in 11
places, the rest are written with a

Imam Al-Jazaree continued in the same
part of the tajweed poem and documented the occurrence of the word
written as
in the following lines:

The word "3uqood" refers to surah al-Maa'idah, and
Imam Al-Jazaree tied this occurrence of
written with a
to two items, first it is the second
occurrence of the word
in this surah, but
as we know this second one is written with a
, and the word
is linked to this word being written with a
, as we can see from the aayah above, the word
follows the word
by four words; this is the meaning of his words: