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Question (28 Thulq'adah 1423/Jan. 31, 2003)
Question (26 Thulq'adah 1423/Jan. 29, 2003)
Assalamu Alaikum. Question (24 Thulq'adah 1423/Jan. 27, 2003) Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatu Allah In your question & answer #150301 you have explained the following: "The seven ways of recitation famous today are the seven ways documented by Al-Imaam Ash-Shatabiyy in his prose. They are known as the seven qira’aat by the way of ash-Shatabiyyah. There are three more, again authentic, that are also well known among modern day Muslim scholars documented by Al-Imaam Al-Jazariyy in another prose. " Could you please tell us the correct name of all these different recitations? This would be much appreciated and I pray that Allah bless you and all the Muslims. Question (19 Thulq'adah 1423/Jan. 22, 2003) Assalaamu alaikum Could you please inform us as to the practice of the Companions of the Prophet (may peace and blessings be upon him and on his companions) as regards to reading the Qur'an. That is any information you might have on how much they read and whether they read quickly (to read more) or slowly (to ponder more) for example. I hope this is not to vague a question. May Allah reward you. Question (11 Thulq'adah 1423/Jan.14, 2003) Assalamualaikum Wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh, I read an article about a Western convert sister that had memorized the Qur'an and went on to get an ijaazah in her recitation, in Jumuah Magazine. It is a very inspiring story and I want to be like her. I have been memorizing some surahs but not systematically. Can you give some guidelines on how to memorize, e.g. which surah to start first, can I memorize while I'm still learning tajweed, etc. Is it advisable to learn tajweed from the teacher who's still learning tajweed? Is it true that when we read the letter with maad asli, we have to open our mouth so as 2 fingers can go in. I heard that first we have to smile a little bit for istifaal letter with fat-hah and then open the mouth. We were taught to do this when practicing to pronounce certain words. JazakumuAllahu khoir Question (5 Thulq'adah 1423/Jan.8, 2003)
Asalam Alikum,
By the way your side is very beneficial, jazakAllah
khiran. Question (5 Thulq'adah 1423/Jan.8, 2003) ASSALAAM U ALAIKUM I AM STUDYING TAJWEED AT THE MOMENT AND I NEED YOUR HELP ON TWO DIFFERENT MISCELLANEA WHICH I HAVE GIVEN BELOW. JAZAKHALLAH KHAIR 1. In these four words Idghaam will be Naqis (incomplete) That
means that the makhraj of the 2.
In Surah Yusuf the word Ishmaam means to indicate by the lips towards the dhamma. Raum means to read one third of a harkat. |