(Al-Mudood) Part 10
of the two Causes 
is the last section in the mudood (lengthenings) category.
In it we discuss which medd (lengthening) we choose when two different
types of lengthenings share the same medd letter.
learned that the Secondary Lengthening
is due
to two causes:
1. The hamzah
The Sukoon.
The lengthening due a
hamzah are three kinds: The
Exchange Lengthening (
), The Required Joined
Lengthening (
), and The
Allowed Separated Lengthening (
The medd due to a sukoon is of two kinds: The
Presented Sukoon Lengthening
) and the
Compulsory Lengthening (
The leen is considered a branch of the presented sukoon
These lengthenings have various degrees of strength and weakness.
The strongest is the compulsory lengthening
the second strongest is the required joined lengthening
the next the presented sukoon lengthening (
then separated allowed
and the weakest the exchange
lengthening (
The following lines of poetry written
by ِAsh-Sheikh
Ibrahim Ali Shahaatah reinforce the ranking of the various
secondary lengthenings:
The stronger of the lengthenings is compulsory then that which is joined,
Then presented and that which is separated, then exchange.
Rule of the Stronger of the Two Causes for a Lengthening
two reasons for lengthening are present in one medd letter, there must be one
stronger than the other. In this
case the weak medd is left, and we use the stronger of the two.
The following lines of poetry also written by Sheikh Ibrahim Ali
Shahaatah exemplify this:
Two causes for lengthening if they are found
Then verily the stronger of the two causes performs.
this word, there
is a hamzah before the medd letter (
this is therefore an exchange
lengthening (
). This same medd letter is
followed by a shaddah, meaning a sukoon, so we also have the compulsory lengthening
With the knowledge that the stronger of these two medd is the
, we use that medd
and do not use the exchange lengthening (
This medd is lengthened six counts, that of the compulsory lengthening (
this example a hamzah precedes a medd letter (
so there is an exchange lengthening (
The same medd letter is followed by a hamzah in the same word, so there is
also a required joined lengthening (
). Both of these medd share the same medd letter, the alif, and
since the stronger of the two lengthenings is the required joined lengthening,
we apply that lengthening and not the exchange lengthening. This medd is
therefore lengthened four or five vowel counts. When stopping on this same medd, or any word that has a
hamzah at the end of it after a medd letter, we have three different
If the reader is reading the required joined lengthening,
counts, he can stop on this medd four. Four counts would lead to a medd with
two causes, which would be, the required joined lengthening
the presented sukoon lengthening (
on this word with six vowel counts would be allowed only if all of
were being lengthened six vowel counts
and then only the presented
sukoon lengthening
would be the reason for this lengthening
If the reader is reading the required joined lengthening (
) with five
vowel counts, he can stop on this with five vowel counts. Stopping on five
vowel counts would be employing only the required joined lengthening (
It is forbidden
to stop on this word using the present sukoon lengthening
two vowel counts. This is due to
the rule of the stronger of the two lengthenings
and since the required joined
lengthening is stronger than the the presented sukoon lengthening, the lesser
count on the presented sukoon lengthening cannot be used.
the above example, the hamzah precedes a medd letter, indicating an exchange
lengthening (
This medd is at the end of the word, and the first letter of the next
word is a hamzah, so the allowed separated lengthening
) is
also using this same medd letter, which is an alif.
In this case, when continuing reading, and the allowed separated
employed, so we lengthen this medd 4, or 5 counts (by the way we read).
There is a way of reading by Hafs ‘an ‘Aasim, not the way of Ash-Shatibiyyah
that lengthens the allowed separated lengthening two vowel counts.
lengthened two vowel counts, then the medd is shared, and both the allowed
separated lengthening and the exchange lengthening are considered to be in use at the same
time. When stopping on the first word only the exchange lengthening (
) is
used, since the hamzah that begins the second word is not being read, and
there is therefore no allowed separate lengthening
) is
your ability to find two lengthenings sharing a medd letter:
in the following aayaat words that have two different lengthenings sharing a
medd letter, find the circumstances for the two lengthenings sharing the medd
letter (i.e. only when stopping, only when continuing) and find the stronger
of the two, and the length of the medd that is employed.

Are there two lengthenings sharing a medd letter when stopping on the word
Why or why not?